• Resolved hugodebe


    Hi Kadence,

    I’m adding a second language to combibresil.com (on a second domain which name is vwbusbrazil.com). I am used to make Polylang and Virtue/Virtue Premium working together and all was going well until I get this unsuspected problem.

    The title of the archive pages is overwritten when Polylang is active and it is replaced by the corresponding language name (“FR” and “EN” in my case)! This problem occurs only for category and tag archive pages only. The main blog post archive is ok and my custom taxonomy also. Any idea?

    Note: The French version is on air so I made a quick fix by creating pages with the Blog Template and I created redirections in htaccess. Note that if the page has the same slug of the taxonomy, the tite is not ok. That’s why I used diferent slugs and redirections. Unfortunately I have too many tags to consider this solution as a long term one. Tags are used for the models of buses and classics car and they are a lot.

    If you want to have a quick look, I will invite you to the English version:

    This is a page, with the expected header, title and subtitle:

    This one is a category archive page with “EN” in place of the category name as title (the subtitle is ok):

    Thanks in advance

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  • Hey Hugo,

    This issue will be resolved with an update tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.


    Thread Starter hugodebe


    Thanks a lot Kevin for the quick response and the fast update last week. The problem was solved successfully. Thanks Kadence!

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