Title is overwritten
This is the shortcode I am using
[wp_colorbox_media url="https://images2.imgbox.com/56/c3/iPyLk94I_o.png" title="貝膚黛瑪雷斑高效防曬乳液" type="image" hyperlink="貝膚黛瑪雷斑高效防曬乳液"]
There are 44 lightboxes , so when I click on one of it , it will show “image x of 44” below the box .
But when I put “title” in shortcode , the text of title and “image x of 44” will overlap.
like this:
https://upload.cc/i1/2020/08/27/LGyMZ3.pngHow to solve it?
Is it possible to change the position of title?
Or disable showing “image x of 44”?Thank you.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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