In the same folder finf this code
if($TotalSoftGalleryV_SetType == ‘Grid Video Gallery’)
after that there is acode which starting like this:
Please, delete all the code from that line and add this code:
$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare(“UPDATE $table_name4_1 set TotalSoftGalleryV_SetName = %s, TotalSoftGalleryV_SetType = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_01 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_02 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_03 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_04 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_05 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_06 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_07 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_08 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_11 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_19 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_22 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_24 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_35 = %s, TotalSoft_GV_1_39 = %s WHERE TotalSoftGalleryV_SetID = %d”, $TotalSoftGalleryV_SetName, $TotalSoftGalleryV_SetType, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_01, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_02, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_03, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_04, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_05, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_06, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_07, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_08, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_11, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_19, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_22, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_24, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_35, $TotalSoft_GV_GG_39, $Total_SoftGallery_Video_Update));
In the next version this issue will be solved.
Thank You