Tips for preparing multisite, multilingual wordpress installation
I have a Linux VPS server with root access, mysql 4.1.22 and php 4.3.9that server hosts the bilingual website
I want to migrate that (drupal) site to WordPress 3.01 and then set up other bilingual WordPress blogs on the same VPS, all subdomains of Content is still so little that I’ll probably recreate categories and migrate posts manually, even because I should update several posts anyway (unless there’s a foolproof script to move from drupal 6x to wp3.01, of course, but that’s another topic).
here are my pre-install questions (I have already browsed and searched around a bit. Now I’m mostly asking for pointers to the right documentation to study, because it’s not so easy to recognize it, but of course if complete answers are very welcome!): the short version is “what’s the performance impact of multisite wordpress, can I use it in the situation below, and which multilingual plugin is the best for my own case?” Here are the details:
1) in order to simplify maintenance, I would like to make a single install and then set up a network of blogs:, etc…
I am studying now, because I still have to figure out if I can modify the Apache configuration as required. There are other, completely independent domains managed by that same Apache server and I surely can’t mess with them.– are the changes to httpd.conf required by multisite wordpress compatible with such a situation?
– Apart from that, what about performance? Does it make a difference if, say, 5 websites run off the same wordpress install versus having 5 independent installs? (I can set up as many MySql databases as I want, in case it matters)2) Multilingual. My _feeling_ is that I should install either ZdMultiLang or, but of course I welcome any suggestion.
What I actually need here is to replicate what already is available at I do all the translations offline and then upload the result, so I have no need for translation support in WordPress itself. I need multilingual UI, possibility to insert different “blocks” (that’s how they’re called in Drupal anyway) in each page depending on its language, multilingual, cross-linked categories and tags. To see what I mean, please go to and then switch back and forth to/from italian: both the menu under “Marco” and the article lists will change. Ideally (this is a wish, NOT a requirement) even comments should be separated by language: comments made to the italian version should not show on the english one and vice versa.
So which multilanguage plugin would you recommend in this case? And is any of them much faster than the other, compatible with less themes…
Thank you all in advance for any input!!!
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