• FYI…my customer likes this theme a lot, but wanted to reduce the height of the slider (carousel) images — they felt that 500px was taking up too much screen real estate. Here’s a little custom CSS you can add to reduce the height to, say, 300px:

    .carousel .item {
      line-height: 300px;
      overflow: hidden;
      min-height: 300px;

    They also wanted to reduce the size of the gray background that appears behind the slider title/caption/button. Here’s how to do that:

    .carousel-caption {
      padding: 1%;

    When you do this, you also might want to change the size of the fonts used in the title/caption. I’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

    Nikeo: Please advise if there is anything wrong with what I’ve shown here. Thanks!

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