I’m adding my post to this thread..a I’ve received no answers in my own thread. Not sure if it’s the way I worded my post..the heading or if it’s in the wrong place. I thought it belonged under ‘Plugins and Hacks’..but maybe not. If not my apologies.
I’m having the same problem in both IE and Opera..at one time it worked fine..now I only get thumbnails if that.
Original post:
Still having issues with my image manager. I’m using the Opera browser,and cannot see any of the icons that are usually above where I write my posts..they used to be there..so am not sure why they aren’t any longer. I do however ‘sometimes’ see them in IE…sometimes not.
In IE when the icons are working..I click on the image manager icon (above posts and the ‘insert image’ window opens up..but when I choose an image..the file will not open in the directory path..instead insert image window.here is a ‘Error on page’ message at the bottom of the insert image’ page.
Now that is the problem when I access image manager from the icons ‘above’ the box where I’d write my posts.
Underneath the write posts box..there is a place where image manager can also be used to browse and upload images. There are no icons there either (in truth I can’t recall if there ever was but I ‘think’ there were icons. I do see the upload/browse buttoms. If I click browse..monthly folders appear with my old uploads. But in the background..behind the folders I get this error message
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function: () in /home/heroindi/public_html/maryblackchurch/wp-content/plugins/stattraq.php on line 90”
For now I’ve deactivated ‘StatTraq’ but it changes nothing…image manager still isn’t working properly.
If I click on an image and choose ‘send to editor an error window opens and says ‘an editor instance must be focused before using this command.’ I cannot get any images inside a post.
Under options/image manager/path/bas mage directory: it reads:
should I change it to something else?
I read the suggested link from Yosemite about the ‘line 90’ error..but still cannot figure out what to do about this..any help would be much appreciated.
Is there a simpler image plug-in I can use for now in place of imagemanager?
Thanks much
original thread link: