• Hi There,
    Have searched high and low for a solution to this, but the information available on the wordpress WYSIWYG is very fragmented.

    I have developed a couple of WordPress based sites for clients and of course the h1 and h2 tags have been reserved in the page templates and thus I would not like them to be available in the TinyMCE editor.

    Basically I’d like to remove the address, pre, h1 and h2 options from the “Formatting” drop-down.

    Soooo, how the hell to you do it!?

    Thanks Folks

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  • Thread Starter Stompit


    Any takers?

    Thread Starter Stompit


    Pretty please?

    Thread Starter Stompit


    Ahh come on, I’ve seen a few people with the same problem and no solution, someone must know this? ??

    I want to know the answer to this one as well. Stompit if you figure it out, will you please share. Thanks!

    I found the solution.
    I was looking for the same clean-client-ready solution
    so I arrived here with my question and had to search a little more by myself…
    I managed to have just the p, h3 and h4 in my menu.
    so. kind of explaining the way I found it:
    tinyMCE usually store settings in theme/advanced/editor_template.js inside its folder (wp-includes/js/tinymce/) but after editing the correct line, nothing changed… so I looked in its root folder (same as above) and found the wp-tinymce.php with this code :

    if ( isset($_GET['c']) && 1 == $_GET['c'] && false !== strpos( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']), 'gzip') && ( $file = get_file($basepath . '/wp-tinymce.js.gz') ) ) {
    	header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
    	echo $file;
    } else {
    	echo get_file($basepath . '/wp-tinymce.js');

    It means it will look inside the .gz file if your server support unzipping or in the /wp-tinymce.js file if not.
    So you can replace the code above by this:

    echo get_file($basepath . '/wp-tinymce.js');

    and edit the wp-tinymce.js like this :
    – search for “theme_advanced_blockformats” in the file.
    – the first occurrence will be :
    ... theme_advanced_blockformats:"p,address,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6", ...
    – remove the unwanted tags :
    ... theme_advanced_blockformats:"p,h3,h4", ...
    IT WORKS !
    Now you could also let the .php file unmodified and after saving the wp-tinymce.js, use a gzip utility to gzip it and you’d replace the wp-tinymce.js.gz this way. That’s what I did.
    Enjoy WordPress ??

    there should be a way to write a plugin which modifies the “theme_advanced_blockformats” variable. by using a plugin with a hook / loop setup, you wouldn’t have to change any of the wordpress core files and thus would be OK for use with upgraded and future versions.

    Also, I believe that the code above is allowing wordpress to use the compressed version of tinymce which should load faster (see: https://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Compressor/PHP)

    by changing that code you are forcing the editor to load as the uncompressed version.

    changing the block formats is something I’d like to do as well, but I want to do it the “right” way. i’ll post the solution here when I find it, but it may be a while as this isn’t at the top of my priorities right now ??

    Here is the code to create your own plugin to edit the ‘theme_advanced_blockformats’ string. It works for me using 2.8.5

    function customformatTinyMCE($init) {
    	// Add block format elements you want to show in dropdown
    	$init['theme_advanced_blockformats'] = 'p,h3,h4,h5,h6';
    	// Add elements not included in standard tinyMCE doropdown p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6
    	//$init['extended_valid_elements'] = 'code[*]';
    	return $init;
    // Modify Tiny_MCE init
    add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'customformatTinyMCE' );

    I did all of the below:

    if ( isset($_GET[‘c’]) && 1 == $_GET[‘c’] && false !== strpos( strtolower($_SERVER[‘HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING’]), ‘gzip’) && ( $file = get_file($basepath . ‘/wp-tinymce.js.gz’) ) ) {
    header(‘Content-Encoding: gzip’);
    echo $file;
    } else {
    echo get_file($basepath . ‘/wp-tinymce.js’);

    It means it will look inside the .gz file if your server support unzipping or in the /wp-tinymce.js file if not.
    So you can replace the code above by this:

    echo get_file($basepath . ‘/wp-tinymce.js’);

    and edit the wp-tinymce.js like this :
    – search for “theme_advanced_blockformats” in the file.
    – the first occurrence will be :
    … theme_advanced_blockformats:”p,address,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6″, …
    – remove the unwanted tags :
    … theme_advanced_blockformats:”p,h3,h4″, …

    and it still has not removed my other formatting options I only want p,h1. Any help would be great.

    i got it!

    Thread Starter Stompit


    Superb, thanks folks! ??

    Thanks for the tips people. In order to keep wordpress’ elements and just remove items to stop people playing too much with your design try using the theme_advanced_disable option like so:

     * Modifying TinyMCE editor to remove unused items.
    function customformatTinyMCE($init) {
    	// Add block format elements you want to show in dropdown
    	$init['theme_advanced_blockformats'] = 'p,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4';
    	$init['theme_advanced_disable'] = 'strikethrough,underline,forecolor,justifyfull';
    	return $init;
    // Modify Tiny_MCE init
    add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'customformatTinyMCE' );

    Also here’s a reference to the tinyMCE buttons: https://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Control_reference



    Just to confirm, where would I post this? in the wp-includes/functions.php? If so, which code should I post? Thanks in advance!

    in case any1 else needs something like this, i used the tinymce advanced plugin and it worked great…


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