• Having used the Anything slider happily for many years, I have noticed what I consider a bug in admin Tiny MCE HTML editor interface for this plugin. In past years selected images were shown in thumbnail size view to allow other sections to appear readable. Now recently on newer slideshows I create, the top image view in the admin interface for creating sliders and ordering the images is seen in full-size view which means that other sections of the admin interface are covered over. I think the thumbnail view is better and should be the default. Older sliders created when the thumbnail view was working are still showing the thumbnail view.

    As this bug seems to be seen only in the admin interface for creating sliders, I cannot link to a page to show the issue. However, I hope I have describe it well enough for someone to verify and perhaps even suggest a fix. Perhaps this is an issue with the Tiny MCE HTML editor, the Ait Themes Guesthouse theme I am using, or the plugin itself. I do not know.

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