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  • Hello keyivr,

    Good day and thank you for reaching out.

    Our plugin’s time zone use the general site settings ( to perform calculations. Therefore, if you set a specific timezone, that should be inherited in our plugin by default.

    Regarding the documentation, we are aware of it and our team is working on it, the team is currently working on an upgrade that will address many of the integration problems and will be released within the next several days.

    We apologize once more for the trouble this has brought you.

    Niel, Input WP Support Team

    Thread Starter Al Mackay


    Thanks for your reply,

    Ok thats great thank you, we’ve set it to UTC+1 to accommodate with British Summer Timezone at the moment.

    So to clarify, someone from the US would see the available times adjusted for their locality? (E.g. 5hrs behind, depending on their US state)

    Many thanks

    Hello keyivr,

    Good day.

    The value that the site owner receives will always be his local time because the timezone is configured in the general site settings. The time zone of the client is not used by our plugin. I hope this answers your question.

    Niel, Input WP Support Team

    Hello keyivr,

    Good day!

    We believe the concern is no longer relevant because it has been so long, so we are closing this particular ticket.

    Please leave a comment below or open a new ticket if you have questions, we are here for you.

    Wishing you luck on your project and further success!

    Niel, Input WP Support Team

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