Hi @nlpro,
They should hire you ?? I’m shocked no one at iThemes has not responded to many issues posted in this forum. Thanks for your help!
No need to dig in unless you want to and we can help users in this forum.
FYI … we use the Pro version as well. The new dashboard doesn’t work. A few details:
(1) Dashboard gives you the option to organize your “cards” or modules for a clean display. We did that but as soon as we cleared our website cache, the modules reverted back to their original configuration (very disorganized). Yuk!
Click here: https://prntscr.com/m72o02
(2) Dashboard does NOT show stats as shown in the marketing video (above link). Our log shows many security entries (404s, brute-force attacks, etc), but they don’t show up in the dashboard.
Dashboard definitely needs to be re-tested and fixed.
Anyway, don’t wish to change the original subject. I think we’ve wasted enough time helping iThemes debug their plugins (free and pro). Time to consider another security plugin.