Hey @raulroast
Thanks for choosing to use this plugin! The link you provided does not seem to work for me. It looks like that links would only work for admins who are logged in.
Since this sounds like it may be a technical conflict, it will probably be easier to resolve this through email. One of our Support Gurus, Troy, had responded to you yesterday morning concerning your ticket. When you have a moment, please check your spam folder to see if it landed in there.
Two of the items he asked in the email was to do a plugin conflict check and a theme conflict check. I copied his text regarding those here:
Plugin Conflict: Would you be able to perform a plugin conflict check? This process will check to see if there is a plugin that you have installed that may not be compatible with the plugin that you are trying to use. To do this, first, de-activate all other plugins besides Quiz And Survey Master. Now, check to see if it is working correctly.
If this fixed the problem, this suggests that it is a plugin conflict issue. To discover which plugin may contain the conflict, activate one plugin and then check if the plugin you are setting up still works. If it no longer works again, the plugin you just re-activate is the plugin conflict. If not, continue to activate the plugins one by one and check to see if the problem arises again.
If you do find a plugin conflict, please let me know which plugin and which version of the plugin that you are using.
Theme Conflict: Would you be able to check for a theme conflict? This helps determine if Quiz And Survey Master is conflicting with your theme. To do this, simply go to your themes in the “Appearance” menu and switch to a default theme such as “Twenty Fifteen” temporarily. Now, check to see if this resolved your issue. Then, switch back to your theme.
If this does solve your issue, please let us know what theme you are using and what version of the theme that you have installed.