timed out with category unit
Contextual units works fine but when i use a category unit my site end up timed out, sometime it display an error message about requests too close, which doesn’t even make sense…
any idea what creates the problem?
here is the error message:
RequestThrottled: AWS Access Key ID: xxx. You are submitting requests too quickly. Please retry your requests at a slower rate.
this shows up when i load a page but i don’t see how i could possibly submit requests too quickly …
I tried to disconnect the account to reconnect with the second API keys but i can no longer connect at all not even with the previously working access codes…
The error message basically means that the API requests to the Amazon server exceeds the rate limit. To workaround it, you want to give longer cache duration.
Though, recently many users have reported problems with that error. If you want me to test your keys on my side, you can contact me from this page. I’d be happy to test your keys on my end.
My access keys are fine and i had no problems until yesterday .What is the best cache configuration?
actually it looks like the Amazon AWS is out of order, i get lot of error messages like :
503 Service Unavailable+
Plugin: amazon-auto-linksThe error message is often related to the rate limit of the Amazon Product Advertising API. Most likely, you hit the limit.
You should test your API keys with ScratchPad.
If ScratchPad gives valid XML output without errors, you can post it here or send me the output via the contact form so that I can check.
I sent you my access keys via your contac form so, please, test them.
I do not get any problem with scratchpad so i don’t understand why the category unit freeze the site or why i get so many errors from AWS
ok so site totally timed out, down for hours…. and now when i test in the scratchpad the message is again:
Error! RequestThrottled
HTTP Status 503: Service Unavailable
AWS Access Key ID: xxxxx. You are submitting requests too quickly. Please retry your requests at a slower rate.I am pulling my hairs, i’d like to know if the problem comes from Amazon or from the plugin because i can’t have my site down like this.
Please help!
I see the same error message with ScratchPad with your keys.
I’m guessing that this is something to do with recent changes of the API Policy. It seems they have added additional criteria on their rate limit conditions and those are not fully open to us.
If you are trying to submit requests that exceed the maximum request for your account (TPD limit), or if your access has been revoked you will receive a 503 error message from Product Advertising API.
Most likely this is what’s happening to you now. In this case, you want to talk to the Amazon support. If they tell you exact reasons why this is occurring to you, I’d like to know that too.
I’ll keep my eyes on this issue. Recently many users have reported a similar issue with the same error message.
my account has not been revoked and i am selling a minimum of 30 euros per day…
Amazon explanation is that the plugin submit too many requests in a short amount of times, basically it’s exactly what the error message says.
I guess i have no other option than to disable the plugin because i can’t have my site timed out for hours like that.
Amazon explanation is that the plugin submit too many requests in a short amount of times, basically it’s exactly what the error message says.
So did you talk to an Amazon support person and is it what they said to you?
BTW i don’t think the problem is related to your plugin because i read many messages on the forum and elsewhere and it’s happening to many users of every plugin using the API even with the “official” Amazon plugin!
They did something on Amazon end that is blocking just about everyone, with sales or not, that locks out the access to their products.
please check this thread on Amazon dev forum, you’ll see the problem really comes from Amazon, it’s been going on for a while and there are no explanation or help…
Thanks for the heads-up.
It seems that something is going on with recent changes with the API and many people are affected by it.
Maybe we should consider creating a shared server or network that provides Amazon product links aside from the official Amazon API. If you are interested, let me know. We can talk about it in emails.
Amazon policies is to kick off affiliates not making sales using their API but they did it in such a way they end up kicking off just everybody.In my case I have NEVER used this API instead I’ve been using text links for years with sales.
I contacted Amazon recently to find out how to use RSS feeds as it was previously possible, they told me to use their API instead and I ended up with your plugin and my sites out of order because of Amazon policies that timed everything.I asked them how to make sales with this non working API and I have no answer.
Many things do not work on their partner pages, they are aware of it but do nothing to fix the problem.
To make it shorter it looks like Amazon is going toward something else about affiliates program, maybe selling their own plugin, i don’t know but you have no control on what they do…
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