• Resolved weepingtiger



    I am having a problem with the plugin displaying the correct match start time for my timezone (GMT).

    As an example, the first match kicks off at 17:00 Brazil time. Once BST kicks in, that will be 20:00 UK Local Time, but in the Predictions Page, the time is shown as 14:00. No matter what I do in WordPress, this time doesn’t change. By setting the ‘Convert kickoff times to local timezone. If unchecked kickoff times are displayed as match local time’ tickbox, it just changes the format of the time, but the time is the same.

    I am running on localhost on a Mac at the moment, if that makes a difference.

    Here’s a screencast of what’s happening. https://vimeo.com/acvm/review/87252704/59af5c07aa. The password is jimbo.

    I’d appreciate any help you can provide.

    Thanks, Jim


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  • Plugin Author landoweb


    Hi, Jim. Do you include the code bellow in your page?

    <div class="tzcContainer">
    <p id="tzLocal">Match times are currently set to match local time, please click here to convert to your time zone.</p>
    <p id="tzClient" style="display:none">Match times are currently set to <strong>your timezone</strong>, please click here to revert to local time.</p>
    Thread Starter weepingtiger


    OK, cool that works. Any way of making the local time the default?

    Plugin Author landoweb


    When you access the Overview menu and uncheck the option “Convert to kickoff Local teams timezone. If unchecked kickoff times are displayed match the local time”, the matches continue to appear on Brazilian time?

    Thread Starter weepingtiger


    Doesn’t work like that for me. When it’s unchecked, the toggle above doesn’t do anything. When it’s checked, it toggles between Brazil time and my local UK time, but Brazil time is the default. Also, I’ve noticed that the time on the Results page is always Brazil time.

    So I’m thinking about manually updating all the match start times to just be the UK time. The problem is that the plugin seems to adjust the time in the database and displays a different time in Predictions and Results. Can I disable that adjustment?

    Plugin Author landoweb


    You can try this:

    1) Go to your Plugins >> Editor in your WordPress Panel and select the World Cup Predictor.

    2) Look for file world-cup-predictor/js/wcp.js.

    3) In this file, search for:

    $('.wcup_kickoff_time').each(function() {
    		var utc = $(this).attr('utc');  // YYYYMMDDHHMM format
    		if (utc == undefined) return;
    		var date_only = $(this).is('.date_only');
    		$(this).html(sast_time(utc, wcp_offset-120, date_only));  // Note: toLocale...() adds the TZ offset,
    															      // so subtract the offset between UTC and SAST (120 mins)*/

    4) Replace this code for:

    $('.wcup_kickoff_time').each(function() {
    		var utc = $(this).attr('utc');
    		if (utc == undefined) return;
    		var date_only = $(this).is('.date_only');
    		$(this).html(wcup_localtime(utc, 0, date_only));

    5) Now open your prediction form e please confirm if now the kickoff times are in your time zone.

    Thread Starter weepingtiger


    Wonderful! Thank you for your help.

    Good night.
    I am Brazilian, my time zone is UTC -3, WHAT did you suggested, more does not work!
    My site is hosted by the European server.
    I can solve the problem, are not 3hrs difference!
    follow the link from my website.

    Thanks in advance!

    Boa Noite.
    Sou Brasileiro, Meu fuso Horário é UTC -3, fiz oque você sugeriu, mais n?o funciona!
    meu site esta hospedado em servidor Europeu.
    n?o consigo resolver o problema, s?o 3hrs de diferen?a!
    segue o link do meu site.

    Desde já agrade?o!

    Plugin Author landoweb


    Olá, Silas. O fato do site estar hospedado em um servidor Europeu n?o deveria interferir em nada, pois os jogos s?o exibidos no horário do local da partida (ou seja, horário brasileiro). Ao executar o procedimento citado acima, os jogos passam a ser exibidos no horário do navegador do usuário.

    Quanto ao link que você mencionou, nele a partida em quest?o é Bayern vs. Borussia e n?o um dos jogos da Copa do Mundo. Nesse caso, para compreender o cenário, eu precisaria saber:

    1) Que fuso horário você assinalou para a cidade de Munique?
    2) Que horário você lan?ou para a partida quando cadastrou o jogo?

    Plugin Author landoweb


    Olá, Silas. Os horários s?o baseados no horário UTC 0, que corresponde a 3 horas a mais do que no Brasil mesmo. Ou seja, se um jogo for come?ar às 17 horas, ela deve ser cadastrada no painel como tendo início às 20 horas.

    Quanto ao local da partida, n?o deve ser lan?ado como Diferen?a em UTC 0 e sim como -3 para exibi??o do horário correto na tabela de palpites.

    Muito Obrigado.
    Funcionou perfeitamente!

    Outra Duvida!
    Teria como deixar “Pontos pela diferen?a correta de gols” uma ponto n?o cumulativo?

    Desde já agrade?o! A Donate para seu plugin já esta a caminho!


    Plugin Author landoweb


    A diferen?a de gols precisa ser cumulativa, pois ela comp?e a pontua??o total obtida pelo usuário ao cravar um palpite. Eu por exemplo costumo configurar o plugin assim:

    Points for correct score: 16
    Points for guessing a draw: 10
    Wrong score but predicted a win: 10
    Points for correct number of goals: 2
    Points for correct goal difference: 5

    Ou seja, quando o usuário crava o placar ele ganha 25 pontos (16 + 5 + 2 + 2). Ou se tiver apostado no empate e errar o número de gols, ele ganha 15 pontos (10 + 5). Uma pontua??o semelhante a que é utilizada no Bol?o Vip por exemplo (exceto pelo Placar Vencedor valer o mesmo que o Placar Perdedor).

    Hey there. I’m still getting problems with the timezone. My local time in General Settings is “Caracas” (and it shows the correct time in the backend), but I noticed the script is still assuming I’m in UTC. I checked wcp.js to add the code you mentioned above

    $('.wcup_kickoff_time').each(function() {
    		var utc = $(this).attr('utc');
    		if (utc == undefined) return;
    		var date_only = $(this).is('.date_only');
    		$(this).html(wcup_localtime(utc, 0, date_only));

    But I realized it was already there, which I guess it makes sense considering I’m using the latest version of the plugin (1.8). How do I fix this?

    Plugin Author landoweb


    The time displayed not based on your General Settings but according to the time of your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc …).

    If the time is not displayed correctly, it is likely that there is some javascript error, generated by the theme you are using. What is the link of your website?

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