Oh for sure. It’s not entirely clear what your intended schedule is, but, to have three different messages in a single day, you could do something like this:
[time-restrict-repeat type=”weekly” onday=”Monday” offday=”Monday” ontime=”00:01:01″ offtime=”09:59:59″]
<h3>The Library is currently CLOSED. We’ll open today at 10am.</h3>
[time-restrict-repeat type=”weekly” onday=”Monday” offday=”Monday” ontime=”10:00:00″ offtime=”20:59:59″]
<h3>The Library is open now until 9pm today.</h3>
[time-restrict-repeat type=”weekly” onday=”Monday” offday=”Monday” ontime=”21:00:00″ offtime=”23:59:59″]
<h3>The Library is currently CLOSED. We’ll reopen tomorrow at 10am.</h3>
That will show all the messages for a Monday. You can repeat that process for different days if the times differ. Or, if the same times apply to several consecutive days, you can “nest” the shortcodes. There’s some examples of this on the main plugin page.