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  • A website I support is having the same issue. When you click on the “more info” link the time changes forward by 6 hours. If the user is logged into their Google account the time zone seems to stay the same. I’ve checked time zones in all locations and they are set correctly. I also just installed the newest version of Google Calendar Events. Please provide any help.

    Same. Start times are showing 4 hours late. I think I understand the problem but there’s now way to fix it on my end.

    The google calendar feed I’m using is read-only “other calendar” subscription (from iCloud) with the time zone set to UTC. When you set up an iCloud feed in Google Calendar it does not give any option to set the time zone because technically its a “subscription” I don’t own. I can not change that. For some reason GCE is adjusting to EST when displayed on my website.

    I would like it to ignore the timezone or else have a timezone offset feature added to the plugin settings itself.

    Time zone settings everywhere else are correctly set.

    I hope this makes sense.

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    I will have to look into this. Thanks for bringing to my attention. Any examples of pages, shortcodes, settings, stc. where you are encountering this issue are appreciated.


    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Can you check out the 2.0.6 version we just released and let me know if you are still having this issue?


    Yes it did! Thanks!

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    Awesome, glad to hear that ??



    This problem has returned with todays update. All my dates are being displayed with the start time 5 hours late. 9:30pm –> 2:30am, 6:00pm –> 11:00pm etc.



    Put this PHP-Code on the page you are displaying the events:


    replace Europe/Berlin with your Timezone



    Thanks for the help. I’m using it as a widget so I’m not sure exactly how to do it. I don’t hack my theme files. I’m using a complex theme and I don’t care to be concerned with tracking changes I’ve made to files that will be overwritten on updates. I’ve done plenty of that in the pass and it turns out to be a pain in the ass in the long run.

    This was an issue with the last version as well but was fixed by the author. I’m hoping it will be fixed again.

    Otherwise I just won’t use it.

    Thanks again.



    Thanks Nick. The 2.1.1 update corrects it.

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    @robkosinski, Glad to hear that. Let us know if you have any more issues.

    Thanks ??

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