Hi – this was perfect – just the answer I was looking for.
Could you please try the following and let me know if it works on your installation.
1. Open the file quit-tool-lite/scripts/qry_functions.php
2. Find the function “getQuizResults”. It should be line 323.
Replace that function with this one:
public static function getQuizResults($quizID)
global $wpdb;
$attempt_table = $wpdb->prefix . “AI_Quiz_tblQuizAttempts”;
$user_table = $wpdb->base_prefix . “users”;
$SQL=’Select ‘.$attempt_table.’.*, ‘.$user_table.’.display_name From ‘;
$SQL.=$attempt_table.’ Inner Join ‘.$user_table.’ ON ‘.$attempt_table.’.username = ‘.$user_table.’.user_login ‘;
$SQL.=’Where ‘.$attempt_table.’.quizID = ‘.$quizID;
$rs = $wpdb->get_results( $SQL, ARRAY_A );
return $rs;
Please let me know if this removes the error message – if so I can add it to the latest release this afternoon. I don’t have an installation available that doesn’t have “wp_” as the prefix so its hard to test.
Thanks again,