• I just upgraded to WP 2.2. I fallowed all the directions in the Upgrade guide and all seemed to have went well. When I went to widgets in the dashboard they were all set up the way they should have been. I clicked save and it told me that my widgets had been saved. However, when I view my site it is showing the default sidebars and not my widgets.

    Is there a fix for this as I really don’t want to change my theme.

    ~Jeff C.

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  • That fix from Otto42 (see link to pastebin above) works for me. Even works if not widgets are specified for the two sidebars.

    Thanks Otto42

    that’s it. i’m going to name my first-born child otto, regardless of his or her gender.

    your fix worked flawlessly, otto. thank you!

    Yup, Otto’s fix worked for me as well, and it’s a cleaner solution. Why couldn’t you have come up with this yesterday, Otto? ??

    As a side note, Otto’s fix made some funky dots just to the left of the right sidebar when using the default widget set. They looked like unordered list dots. But since I’m not going to be using the default widget set (and I suspect that’s true for all of us), it’s pretty irrelevant.

    Okay syntax, I vote for Otther if it’s a girl ??

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Add this to the style.css file to eliminate the dots (I think):

    ul.right-sidebar, ul.left-sidebar {
    list-style: none;

    Also, I made a slight adjustment to the sidebar.php that will put the H2’s inside the LI’s correctly for the default sidebars (no widgets). Won’t make a difference if you actually have widgets, but still, here’s the fixed version:

    Oy, I have a child I’d like to name Otto too! Thanks also for your efforts in fixing this, Tarindel, and all for the helpful comments… it’s soooo appreciated because I realy like the Tiga theme, but it hasn’t been updated in a long time, and altho it’s so nice, it has some unorthodoxies about it.

    I was aghast, aghast I tell you (!) when I upgraded to WordPress 2.2. And then, I found this thread upon a googling. So, again, my appreciation is yours. I’ll apply this extra fixed version now…

    this inevitably leads into, “If Tiga could be improved further, now that it works with WP 2.2, what would you add?” ??

    The two things I really wanted to add to my Tiga themed site were a hyperlinked header graphic and a “recent news” box to my static front page. If either of those would be of interest to you, you can find details in the Tiga category of my blog at https://www.learncpp.com/?cat=8.

    I’ve already named my kids but I’ll name my next pet Otto. ??

    I use a modified version of tigopedia which is based on tiga. I was able to put these changes into the theme and fix the 2.2 problem. Thanks a million!

    As a newbie blogger and WordPress user I must say I am completely impressed with the community support for this blogging platform. My widgets are now widgetting away. Thanks Otto for the fix!!!

    WP 2 has builtin widgets. I get that. But I can’t get to the sidebar code that the widgets handled in the previous version. That is, there is nothing in the Admin panel to manage what was formerly in my widgets, and the code is not in the sidebar. Stuff shows up, but can’t be edited.
    [Example: Everything in “IF YOU SAW IT ON ARTSMONTANA” at the bottom of my left sidebar does show up, but I can’t edit it.
    See: https://www.artsmontana.com]

    I read that I should still be able to handle widgets from the Admin panel, but there is no Widgets tab anywhere to be found.

    Any ideas?

    I’m using WP 2.3.1 and Otto’s fixed just worked for me, too.

    BUT, the “link” widget isn’t displaying my blogroll. My site is here in case anybody wants to see: https://www.mistressemilie.com/submit The blogroll should be on the bottom left. Thanks for any advice.

    PS. My blog content is about S&M and fetish stuff so if that offends you, don’t look.

    Mistressemilie, I released a fix for Tiga that corrects the blogroll issue under 2.3. It incorporates Ottos’s 2.2 fix as well.


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