Thanks for your reply.
Do you have any idea when the next version might be? I need this urgently! ??
I think it would be a very useful option to have as there aren’t many good voting plugins that do what you do — like, then un-like properly! You might want to consider it as an option so websites and choose to have or not have the thumbs down option.
Also, if/when you add the thumbs down feature, keep the count separate rather then providing one net figure (i.e. thumbs up count – thumbs down count) because that is not useful in some situations and it’s important to know how many people voted each way, even if the net figure is 0 as popularity is important too.
Also is there any way to sort and display the comments by number of votes? You provided some API examples to get the counts for a post and sort posts, but I need to do that for comments as well.