Thumbnails with ghostscript or imagick?
hi does it support automatic thumbnails generation? thank you!
Thanks for your question. MLA will generate thumbnail images for PDF documents as well as “.ai, .eps, .ps” files. You can find more information in the “Thumbnail Substitution Support, mla_viewer” section of the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab.
You can also assign a Featured Image to any of the non-image type item in the Media Library and MLA will use it in an
display.If you want to avoid the overhead of dynamically generating a thumbnail each time an
shortcode is processed you can create Featured Images for your PDF and other documents using the “Thumbnail” bulk action on the Media/Assistant submenu screen. You can pull down the on-screen Help menu and click the “Thumbnail Generation” tab for more information on that option.I hope that gets you started on thumbnail management for your application. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have problems or further questions regarding the options MLA provides for thumbnail generation. Thanks for you interest in the plugin.
Great thank you! This plugin looks really good
Thank you I have imagick enabled on my server but I cannot install Ghostscript will it work anyway? thank you!
Thanks for checking in regarding Ghostscript.
Ghostscript is the software component that converts a page of a PDF document to an image that can be further processed by Imagick. I regret that without Ghostscript the MLA thumbnail features will not work for you.
Ghostscript is widely used and supported by most of the hosting companies I know of. Some hosts restrict its use because of performance concerns, but I haven’t seen any problems using it in the context of MLA thumbnail generation. I hope you find a way to get Ghostscript installed for your application.
Oh that is sad, many other plugins can work with imagick only
If you find one, let me know. Every one I’ve seen uses Ghostscript for PDF support.
Hi i don’t really care about pdf files, mostly .eps, .ai, .psd, etc
This plugin generates thumbnails with imagick: your plugin if I upload a .ai or .eps file to the library it will not show up using the gallery shortcode, it will show up in the dashboard library but without preview (only with the mime icon), and if I link a thumbnail jpg file it will make 2 different files, the jpeg file will show up as a second file (ok, fine), but only that file will show up in the gallery front end. So no way to download the original .eps file from the jpg thumbnail. Also the original .eps file will still show up without preview.
Thanks for the link to Symbiostock – I will have a look and let you know what I find.
Let me expand on my earlier comments about Ghostscript and non-image files like PDF and the other formats you mentioned.
The WordPress
and the MLA[mla_gallery]
shortcodes are designed to display image items by default, that is, files with a MIME type in the “image” family such as “image/jpeg” or “image/png”. The[mla_gallery]
shortcode extends this to non-image formats with itspost_mime_type
parameter, e.g.,post_mime_type=all
. This extended support is not available with the[gallery]
shortcode. If you add thepost_mime_type
parameter to your[mla_gallery]
shortcode you can see them in a gallery display and download them with thelink=file
parameter.Ghostscript can convert PDF and postscript files to an image format which can then be processed by Imagemagick/Imagick to produce a thumbnail image. The .ai, .eps and .ps file types all have a MIME type of “application/postscript”. The .psd format has a MIME type of “application/octet-stream”, and is not handled by Ghostscript. The MLA thumbnail features do not support .psd files.
I hope that helps you understand how to use non-image items in your application.
Another interesintg concept: using google drive to generate the previews:
OK thank you now I can see the .eps files in the gallery, that setting was missing.
Now if I upload a thumbnail to a media, in the mla gallery, there is the thumbnail and the eps files listed as separate. If I click on the thumbnail it refers to the original file which is good but that page does not have the thumbnail file. Also the metatada ar enot showing up, just the size. It has to do with the template?Also is there a way the thumnails can be listed as their original files instead of separate files?
I could also not setup a search form, I would like to include all taxonomies into it.
Thank you
Thanks for the link to Memphis Documents Library, which looks very interesting. When I have time I will look into it.
I am happy you are seeing your .eps files in the
results, and you’ve been able to use the Featured Image and Thumbnail support for them.You wrote “Now if I upload a thumbnail to a media, in the mla gallery, there is the thumbnail and the eps files listed as separate.” I understand that to mean you uploaded a .eps file to the Media Library, then used the “Thumbnail” bulk action to generate a thumbnail image for it. Is that right?
The Thumbnail bulk action was added to MLA as a convenience that lets you generate an image for PDF and postscript documents, add the image to the Media Library and assign it as a Featured Image for the document. The “thumbnail” is a separate item in the Media Library, an image file that was generated from the original document or uploaded separately and assigned as the document’s Featured Image. Any image in the Media Library can be assigned as a Featured Image; there is no other association between the two items. For that reason, there is no way the thumbnail items can be “listed as their original files instead of separate files“.
The Featured Image and Thumbnail generation features are entirely optional. Unless performance is an issue you can simply use the
shortcode parameter to generate thumbnail images dynamically, without adding items to the Media Library.You wrote “If I click on the thumbnail it refers to the original file which is good but that page does not have the thumbnail file.” If you use the default
in an[mla_gallery]
shortcode the link associated with each gallery item goes to the WordPress “Media Page” for the item. The layout and content of the Media Page is set by your theme; MLA plays no part in it. If you want the Featured Image to display on the Media Page you will have to modify your theme or create a child theme that changes the PHP template file used to compose the Media Page.You wrote “I could also not setup a search form …“. You can find information about combining search forms with
in this earlier topic and the several topics it links to:That should give you several alternatives for your application.
used the “Thumbnail” bulk action to generate a thumbnail image for it. Is that right?
= yes it is the same frm the bulk action or manually editing the media. I understand I should use the live viewer.
I wish I could try it but I resintalled the site and the media library assistant shortcodes are not displaying at all, altough other shortcode types are perfectly fine, as the gallery for exemple. None of these are displaying. I even reset the media library assistant general settings to default.
[mla_tag_cloud] [mla_gallery] [mla_gallery post_mime_type=all mla_viewer=single]
For the search form I thought there was a shortcode with filters and checkboxes. If I try to enter the code
<form id="mla-search-form" action="." method="post"> <p style="text-align: left;"><input id="mla-search-box" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" name="search-string" type="text" value="" /> <input id="submit" style="font-size: 11px;" name="submit" type="submit" value="Search" /></p> </form>
Same for this:
<form><p style="text-align: left;"><input id="mla-search-box" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" name="search-string" type="text" value="" /> <input id="submit" style="font-size: 11px;" name="submit" type="submit" value="Search" /></p></form>
Also how can I edit the media page to display the metadata infos? Thank you
You wrote “the media library assistant shortcodes are not displaying at all”. I understand that to mean that the three example shortcodes you give just following that comment are not displaying any terms or items; is that right?
requires you to specify at least a taxonomy you want the cloud to display the terms for. You can try:[mla_tag_cloud taxonomy=attachment_category] [mla_tag_cloud taxonomy=attachment_tag]
There are many other parameters you can use to configure the cloud. I urge you to read through the sections within the “MLA Tag Cloud Shortcode” sections of the Settings/Media Library Assistant Documentation tab and try out the examples you can also find there.
shortcode, like the WordPress[gallery]
shortcode, will only display images “attached” to the current post/page by default. There are many[mla_gallery]
parameters for selecting items, and you can find more information in the Documentation tab. For example, you can try:[mla_gallery post_parent=all numberposts=9] [mla_gallery post_parent=all post_mime_type=application/pdf mla_viewer=true]
The “search form and gallery” application requires an HTML form to enter the text you want to search for and at least one
shortcode to display the results. There is no “shortcode with filters and checkboxes” for this application. You can start by duplicating the “Search Form and Gallery” example in the “MLA Gallery Examples” section of the Documentation, and use the examples in the earlier support topics to add other features such as taxonomy term searches.You asked “how can I edit the media page ” As I wrote in an earlier post, the layout and content of the Media Page is set by your theme; MLA plays no part in it. If you want additional information to display on the Media Page you will have to modify your theme or create a child theme that changes the PHP template file used to compose the Media Page. Here is an earlier topic that will give you a sense for the work required:
In an earlier post on this topic you wrote:
This plugin generates thumbnails with imagick:
I downloaded and activated the Symbiostock plugin. I didn’t get very far because it generates many PHP warning messages and doesn’t seem to work. I cannot find the “generates thumbnails” functions you refer to. It does, however, use Imagick/Imagemagick for its image processing functions. I believe the comments I made in this earlier support topic apply to Symbiostock as well:
Problem and suggestion regarding thumbnails (from pdf) and Ghostscript
Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to investigate Symbiostock.
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