1 – Yes, the tooltip tells you you can doubleclick to stop the slideshow.
As soon as the slideshow is stopped, you can direct-access images by clicking anywhere on the filmstrip.
2 – The full-size pictures are displayed according to the fullsize height and width you specified in the Photo Albums -> Settings admin page.
The photos are sized to fit in that rectangle while keeping their original aspectratio.
You should set the height of the thumbnail frame at least as big as the width; both values must be at least as big as the thumbnail size.
You may want to set the vertical alignment of thumbnails to center.
3 – You may change the order in wp-photo-album-plus/theme/wppa_theme.php
see the end part of that file:
elseif (wppa_page('slide') || wppa_page('single')) { // Page 'Slideshow' or 'Single' in browsemode requested
// The next 7 lines define the display of the fullsize images and slideshows.
// You may change the order of them. Do not leave one out, if you do not want a particular box,
// you can switch it off in the Photo Albums -> Settings admin panel.
wppa_startstop('optional'); // The 'Slower | start/stop | Faster' bar
wppa_slide_frame(); // The photo / slide
wppa_slide_custom('optional'); // Custom box // Reserved for future use
wppa_slide_rating('optional'); // Rating box
wppa_slide_filmstrip('optional'); // Show Filmstrip
wppa_slide_description('optional'); // The description of the photo
wppa_slide_name('optional'); // The name of the photo
wppa_browsebar('optional'); // The 'Previous photo | Photo n of m | Next photo' bar
wppa_run_slidecontainer('slideshow'); // Fill in the photo array and display it
} // wppa_page('slide')
If you do not want to loose that modification, make a (modified) copy of this file and put it in you themes directory.