• Resolved AmyKin


    I recently upgraded to the newest version and the new pdfs that I’m adding are stuck in the adobe acrobat pdf thumbnails. I’ve deactivated & reactivated and it’s the same. When in the settings, I go to Thumbnail manager and the new pdfs that I add are not listed in the pdf manager tab.

    How do I fix this?


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  • Thread Starter AmyKin



    I use your plugin on two pages of my website. One is public, and one requires those who want to see the content to register for an account. There’s no way to see that page if you don’t have an account. Over night, the page that is visible to the public generated thumbnails, and those thumbnails can be seen in the Thumbnail Management tab. There are about 6 pdfs on that page. The private page, which has about 10 pdfs, still has not generated thumbnails. I haven’t altered/added/deleted any of the documents on the public page since I updated the plugin the first time. With the private page, I’ve gone as far as deleting the entire document gallery on the page to create a new one of the same documents. I hope that wasn’t too confusing but I wanted to share that information with you.

    The text in the Advanced tab:
    [thumber] => Array
    [gs] => /usr/bin/gs
    [active] => Array
    [av] => 1
    [gs] => 1
    [imagick] =>
    [thumber-co] =>

    [width] => 400
    [height] => 400

    [thumber-co] => Array
    [uid] =>
    [secret] =>
    [subscription] => Array

    [direct_upload] =>
    [mime_types] => Array


    [gallery] => Array
    [columns] => 4
    [fancy] => 1
    [order] => ASC
    [orderby] => menu_order
    [relation] => AND
    [limit] => -1
    [mime_types] => application,video,text,audio,image
    [new_window] => 1
    [paginate] => 1
    [post_status] => any
    [post_type] => attachment
    [attachment_pg] =>
    [descriptions] =>
    [skip] => 0

    [css] => Array
    [text] => div.document-icon {
    text-align: center;

    div.document-icon img {
    width: 200px;
    max-width: 200%;
    border: none;

    div.document-icon a {
    font-size: 20px;
    line-height: 22px;

    div.document-icon {
    margin: 5px 0 0;

    div.document-icon {
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: top;
    overflow: hidden;

    div.document-icon-wrapper {
    width: 100%;
    padding: 0;
    text-align: left;


    div.descriptions.document-icon-wrapper div.document-icon {
    max-width: 115px;
    padding: 0 3px 0 0;
    float: left;

    div.descriptions.document-icon-wrapper {
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-align: inherit;

    div.descriptions.document-icon-wrapper img {
    width: 65px;
    max-width: 100%;

    /* clearfix */
    /* can’t depend on theme having a clearfix class,
    so build it into dg css */
    div.descriptions.document-icon-wrapper:after {
    content: “”;
    display: table;

    div.descriptions.document-icon-wrapper:after {
    clear: both;

    div.descriptions.document-icon-wrapper {
    zoom: 1; /* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */


    [meta] => Array
    [version] => 4.1.11
    [items_per_page] => 10
    [donate_link] => https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=EE5LWRLG933EN&lc=US&item_name=Document%20Gallery%20Plugin&item_number=document%2dgallery¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted

    [logging] => Array
    [enabled] => 1
    [purge_interval] => 7


    Thread Starter AmyKin



    Do you have any idea as to why this plugin would only generate thumbnails for one page and not the other? Initially, I thought that it was only not generating new pdfs that are uploaded but I uploaded a new one to the page that seemed to be working and the thumbnail generated. I’m hoping for a miracle here! I looked at the codes and they look the same.

    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    Hi Amy,

    Based on the symptoms, I believe you may be experiencing a client-side issue. Thumbnails are generated asynchronously after the gallery is first loaded. The fact that the icons for the public gallery were generated while you were away suggests it’s an issue with your browser compared to other users on your site.

    Can you tell me what browser you are using? Also, can you try a different browser when viewing your gallery? Chrome if you’re not already using it is a good bet. If that doesn’t work either, the next step is viewing the gallery on a completely different compete.

    Keep in mind you need to stay on the gallery page long enough for the asynchronous thumbnail generation to actually happen.


    Thread Starter AmyKin


    After over a week, the thumbnails mysteriously fixed themselves! Can’t begin to explain how over-the-moon happy I am. Hopefully this won’t happen again.

    Thanks for your help, Dan!

    Dan, thanks for the plugin. I have a similar problem, but baffling because I am not getting any error messages and Ghostscript is being autodetected. The page is


    It was working fine until about two weeks ago, when new thumbnails stopped being generated and I started seeing PDF images instead. I followed this thread, turned on logging, purged the thumbnails and deleted and reinstalled plugin. Log showed

    (DocumentGallery::doShortcode) Generation Time: 0.05 s
    April 22, 2016 7:52 pm
    (DocumentGallery::doShortcode) Generation Time: 0.08 s
    April 22, 2016 7:52 pm
    (DocumentGallery::doShortcode) Generation Time: 0.08 s
    April 22, 2016 7:52 pm
    (DocumentGallery::doShortcode) Generation Time: 0.08 s
    April 22, 2016 7:52 pm
    (DocumentGallery::doShortcode) Generation Time: 0.03 s
    April 22, 2016 7:52 pm
    (DG_Thumb::initThumbs) Populating thumbnail cache.

    I’m using Firefox, viewed it in other browsers and same result.

    One odd thing and may be coincidence but had exactly 200 thumbnails generated at time it stopped generation. Setting is “-1” however so should be limits.

    Of course meant to say “should not be limits.”

    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    Hi Charles,

    Did you switch themes around the time that this happened? Based on the logs you’ve posted, DG isn’t trying to generate thumbnails. That either means you’ve got “fancy” thumbnails disabled or that a change on the front end like invalid HTML from your theme is prevent DG from identifying the documents that need thumbnails generated.

    If you provide a link to where this is occurring then I can make a better guess as to what may be going on.


    Thanks Dan. We did switch themes but it was months before and working OK in new theme. Fancy thumbnails is enabled. For link, do you mean


    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    Interesting. There’s nothing obviously wrong with the front end output.

    Would you mind doing a test for me?
    1. Purge the thumbnail cache.
    2. Disable all of your plugins (except DG) and switch to a default WP theme.
    3. Visit the gallery. Do the images now load?


    Yes they generated in generic theme with plugs-ins off. I suspect it’s a plug-in conflict because we’ve had theme in place for months with no problems. I had disabled most recent plug-ins but didn’t seem to help. I’ll experiment again next week when I add a new file.

    Plugin Author Dan Rossiter


    You can identify specifically what is misbehaving by re-enabling plugins and your theme one-by-one, re-testing the gallery after each new item is re-enabled.


    Haven’t been able to pin this down. But curiously, it did run once and generate a new thumbnail in the middle of the night! But not since.

    5/3/16 4:13 a.m.

    (DG_GhostscriptThumber->getThumbnail) Executing: ‘/usr/bin/gs’ -sDEVICE=png16m -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dPDFFitPage -sOutputFile=’/tmp/8aca8ae64189fef437043bfe8eed3f84.png’ ‘/home/ptinfo/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/04-29-16.pdf’ 2>&1

    (DG_Thumber::thumbnailGenerationHarness) Creating thumb object.

    (DG_Thumb->save) Saving thumb with post_id = 94845

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