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  • Hey Aleix, thanks for reaching out & please accept my apologies for not responding any sooner!

    As for your problem — I can see that in some cases our plugin extracts the correct thumbnails (for instance this post:, but I cannot figure out why it doesn’t do the same with the rest of your images.

    May I ask you what’s the name of that plugin? I’d like to play around with it, in order to see if I can replicate the problem on my end.

    Also — does it help if you would go into the ‘Edit’ mode in one of your blog posts and re-insert that image, save the changes, to see if it’s any better?

    Let me know what’s up & I’ll do my best to help you out! Take care & I’m looking forward to your reply!


    Hello Silvo,

    i like this plugin but i have exactly the same problem with the related posts plugin i ONLY see the pictures from “static/thumbs/…” in the default folder. Even if they exists.

    i use in my wordpress website post formats and a plugin to get video_tumbnails (Plugin Video Thumbnails) so i have two pictures in a post the “featured image” and “the video thumbnail image”.

    i don’t understand why and i try resolve this problem.

    thanks for your answer


    Hey, thanks for reaching out & I’d love to help you out, but in order to do so, I’m going to have to know what we’re dealing with. Any chance you could send us the link to the blog in question, so that we could have a closer look ourselves?

    Let me know, I’m eager to help you out! Take care & I’m looking forward to your reply!


    Hey thanks for your quick answer.

    unfortunately the website is under construction on my computer, i have no version online so i can’t give you an access.

    it’s a WP 3.8 version with Mixfolio theme from GraphPaperPress and video thumbnail plugin.

    i have use this combinaison several times.

    i try to explain you what i did ??

    with this modification below i have all video_thumbnails instead of these from the path but they are all identical it’s the thumbnails of the same post

    Modifications i did in the file thumbnailer.php

     * Get thumbnails when post is displayed
    function wp_rp_get_img_tag($src, $alt, $size=null) {
    	if (!$size || !is_array($size)) {
    	$size_attr = ($size[0] ? ('width="' . $size[0] . '" ') : '');
    	if ($size[1]) {
    		$size_attr .= 'height="' . $size[1] . '" ';
    	//return '<img src="'. esc_attr($src) . '" alt="' . esc_attr($alt) . '" '.$size_attr.'/>';
    	return '<img src="'. get_video_thumbnail($video_thumbnail) . '" alt="' . esc_attr($alt) . '" '.$size_attr.'/>';

    For example i use in my theme on category.php file this code to show the video_thumbnail and it works well

    in the original category.php file there was this code to show the featured thumbnail before i use a second one image.

    	if ( has_post_thumbnail() )
    		echo '<img src="'.get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/images/image.jpg" />';

    i have change with this code and that’s what i try to do withe related posts plugin

    if( ( $video_thumbnail = get_video_thumbnail() ) != null ) {
    echo "<img src='" . $video_thumbnail . "' class='attachment-post-thumbnail wp-post-image' />"; }

    thanks for your help ??



    Hey Hugo, big thanks for the extensive feedback on the issue that’s currently troubling you, it certainly helped us a lot when trying to test it out on our end as well! It’s also the reason why we weren’t able to get back to you in a more reasonable time-frame — hope you forgive us and that you understand our (super busy) position as well.

    As for your issue — we think we may found a solution for you! And it’s fairly simple (at least that’s what we hope for)!

    Go to your plugin settings, scroll to the option called “Use Custom Size Thumbnails” and tick the box next to it.

    Now, for all your previously added blog posts (with embedded videos) you’ll have to re-post them. This means: edit blog post – publish blog post. But for all your future blog posts, this shouldn’t be necessary. You can leave all your other theme editor modifications (and all the rest you mentioned above) as is.

    Is this working for you or are the thumbnails still incorrect? Let me know, I’m eager to hear about the results!

    Take care & have a nice weekend ahead!


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