• anonymized-14293447


    Please advice on this issue. In order to get rid of all extra images automatically generated by WP (since my site needs only original image sizes) I have followed these steps:
    1) I deleted all extra images from the server (i.e. 150×150, 180×180, etc.)
    2) the medialibrary thumbnails are gone and so are images in the posts (though they were supposed to show in their original size).
    2) I set media to zero for all size options
    3) I uploaded new images
    4) the new images have again generated extra-images, and are of course appearing in the medialibrary. The old ones are not.

    – Why are the new upload still creatng extra images?
    – I thought that the system was going to keep at least those thumbnails for the medialibrary, while in the posts the image was constrained by its container. Why isn’t it like this?
    – I don’t need the regenerate-plugin because that will create all extra images again. I just need thumbnails for the media library (and all backend operations) but I want WP to show me thumbnails and not pick new images it previosly generated. How does this matter works?

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  • – Why are the new upload still creatng extra images?

    By default WordPress creates four different sizes of the image: Thumbnail, Medium, Large and Full Size.

    I think you can remove unnecessary thumbnail sizes from functions.php and then use the regenerate plugin.

    Thread Starter anonymized-14293447


    Yeah I know WP creates the images by default, that’s why I set them to zero, which is renokwn for being the right thing to do. I just wonder why it didn’t apply.

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