@ratacross, There are actually two different classes in our plugin.
1) “video_lightbox_auto_anchor_image”: we use this class to define CSS for our automatic thumbnail feature. This is necessary because the thumbnail is rendered directly from the video hosting site (YouTube/vimeo).
2) “video_lightbox_anchor_image”: We use this class for normal thumbnail images (where auto_thumb is not enabled). We don’t have any CSS defined for it since users can specify the thumbnail image URL in the shortcode. However, the class is there if anyone needs to target it and apply custom CSS.
The modifications that you have done should work fine for now. But If you plan to use our automatic thumbnail feature in the future, you should probably revert these changes and add CSS for the “video_lightbox_anchor_image” class (A fresh installation of the plugin will also do).
For example:
width: 200px;
height: 150px;
Please check the video lightbox documentation page for details: