Hi all,
I have just managed this by styling the particluar areas with CSS and its working well.
So for my particular needs I have the ultimate posts in a widget area in the footer and I wanted the images to the left and then the excerpt to the right.
To achieve this I simply added the following code to my stylesheet:
.widget-area header {position:relative; display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle;}
.widget-area header + .entry-summary {position:relative; display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; width:calc( 98% - 150px);}
This simply takes a header within a div with the class “widget-area” and ensures that its relatively positioned and display block and then takes the .entry-summary directly after this header and positions it relative and with a width that is pretty much the width of the containing div minus the size of the image. The vertical align then makes them line up in the middle of each other.
Hope that helps!