This function actually is currently supported.
It will require you to make one minor change to a javascript file, and then reupload that file replacing the one on your server.
Go to your plugins folder wp-content/plugins/
and navigate to the gaugepress folder
open up the js folder
so you should now be in
open up justgage.js with a javascript editor (dreamweaver works)
scroll down to line 292 you should see this
// formatNumber: boolean
// formats numbers with commas where appropriate
formatNumber : obj.kvLookup('formatNumber', config, dataset, false)
Change that false to true so it should now read like this
// formatNumber: boolean
// formats numbers with commas where appropriate
formatNumber : obj.kvLookup('formatNumber', config, dataset, true)
All of your numbers will now have appropriate comma separators.
The plugin developer should be able to make this change, or add in an option to change this in the shortcodes.