Can you provide a link to your page? What did it look like before?
Here is a list of the features included in the new version of the plugin:
* Add support for author=”current”
* Add support for multiple wrapper classes
* Add support for excerpt_length parameter
* Add support for excerpt_more parameter
The only thing that could possibly break a page design is if you were incorrectly using the wrapper_class parameter before.
Previously it converted whatever you typed into a single class. So if you typed [display-posts wrapper_class=”my class”] it would convert that to div class=”my-class”.
Now it allows you to specify multiple classes, separating them with a space. So the previous example becomes div class=”my class”.
The only way that feature would break your site is if:
1) You were using the wrapper_class parameter
2) You included a space in the class name (ex: “my class”)
3) You styled the output using the converted class name (ex: “my-class”)
The way to fix this is to edit your shortcode to be [display_posts wrapper_class=”my-class”]