I’ve tried it on another website hosted in the same server, it worked fine.
in the settings menu it is showing me this error: ” TranslatePress encountered SQL errors. Check out the errors.”
Here are the errors:
Why are these errors occuring
If TranslatePress detects something wrong when executing queries on your database, it may disable the Automatic Translation feature in order to avoid any extra charging by Google/DeepL. Automatic Translation needs to be manually turned on, after you solve the issues.
The SQL errors detected can occur for various reasons including missing tables, missing permissions for the SQL user to create tables or perform other operations, problems after site migration or changes to SQL server configuration.What you can do in this situationPlan A.
Go to Settings -> TranslatePress -> General tab and Save Settings. This will regenerate the tables using your current SQL settings. Check if no more errors occur while browsing your website in a translated language. Look at the timestamps of the errors to make sure you are not seeing the old errors. Only the most recent 5 errors are displayed.Plan B.
If your problem isn’t solved, try the following steps:
- Create a backup of your database
- Create a copy of each translation table where you encounter errors. You can copy the table within the same database (trp_dictionary_en_us_es_es_COPY for example) — perform this step only if you want to keep the current translations
- Remove the trouble tables by executing the DROP function on them
- Go to Settings -> TranslatePress -> General tab and Save Settings. This will regenerate the tables using your current SQL server.
- Copy the relevant content from the duplicated tables (trp_dictionary_en_us_es_es_COPY for example) in the newly generated table (trp_dictionary_en_us_es_es) — perform this step only if you want to keep the current translations
- Test it to see if everything is working. If something went wrong, you can restore the backup that you’ve made at the first step. Check if no more errors occur while browsing your website in a translated language. Look at the timestamps of the errors to make sure you are not seeing the old errors. Only the most recent 5 errors are displayed.
Plan C.
If your problem still isn’t solved, try asking your hosting about your errors. The most common issue is missing permissions for the SQL user, such as the Create Tables permission.Logged errors
These are the most recent 5 errors logged by TranslatePress:1last_errorUnknown character set: ‘utf’disable_automatic_translationsYesurlhttps://mywebsite.pro/wp-admin/options.phpdetailsError creating gettext strings tableslast_queryCREATE TABLE wp_trp_gettext_ar
( id bigint(20) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, original longtext NOT NULL, translated longtext, domain longtext, status int(20), original_id bigint(20), plural_form int(20), UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utfdate_time2024-11-03 10:46:40timestamp17306308002last_errordisable_automatic_translationsYesurlhttps://mywebsite.pro/wp-admin/options.phpdetailsError creating regular strings tableslast_querySHOW TABLES LIKE ‘wp_trp_dictionary_en_us_ar’date_time2024-11-03 10:46:40timestamp17306308003last_errorTable ‘chroua_reporg.wp_trp_dictionary_en_us_ar’ doesn’t existdisable_automatic_translationsYesurlhttps://mywebsite.pro/wp-admin/options.phpdetailsError creating regular tableslast_queryCREATE INDEX block_type ON wp_trp_dictionary_en_us_ar
(block_type);date_time2024-11-03 10:46:40timestamp17306308004last_errorUnknown character set: ‘utf’disable_automatic_translationsYesurlhttps://mywebsite.pro/wp-admin/options.phpdetailsError creating gettext strings tableslast_queryCREATE TABLE wp_trp_gettext_en_us
( id bigint(20) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, original longtext NOT NULL, translated longtext, domain longtext, status int(20), original_id bigint(20), plural_form int(20), UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utfdate_time2024-11-03 10:46:40timestamp17306308005last_errorTable ‘chroua_reporg.wp_trp_dictionary_en_us_fr_fr’ doesn’t existdisable_automatic_translationsYesurlhttps://mywebsite.pro/wp-admin/admin-ajax.phpdetailsError running get_string_rows()last_querySELECT id, original, translated, status, block_type FROM wp_trp_dictionary_en_us_fr_fr
WHERE original IN ( ‘Video Placeholder’ )date_time2024-11-03 10:45:19timestamp1730630719
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