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  • Plugin Author Allen


    Thanks for your thoughtful review.

    I use post to page rather than blog.

    How do you remove the old posts from your database?
    I recently had a problem with my database being overloaded and had to get the Host provider involved.

    How do I permanently remove old posts from database?

    Thanks in advance.

    Plugin Author Allen


    just so you know, I’m not responding to this thread typically because the person who started this post was so disrespectful.

    Please ask this question on a new thread.


    Thread Starter BigDogSF


    LOL…and here I thought my original post was on the eloquent side of things. I understand, the truth hurts.

    So wtwp…first, delete the plugin, if you haven’t done so yet. Remove any shortcodes you have placed on pages. This will stop the bleeding.

    Next, go through your posts and delete them manually in wp-admin. Then go through your media library and delete all images associated with the posts.

    Do you have cpanel access to the backend of your website? You need to get into the mysql databases…specifically media and posts. Let me konw about this and if you do have access will explain further.

    One more issue that has come to light with this plugin that is quite deadly. Even if you set to no follow…it still allows indexing and I have had to fix, to date, over 600 “404s”. This is very bad for SEO and I strongly suggest that you check for 404s and fix them manually to 301 redirects within your site.


    Thanks Will for your response.

    On the other hand, this plugin is FREE to use, and I think if there is an issue you have noticed it would have been better to address it politely so that others could benefit from your experience. I think you still need to give credit to this guy regardless.

    Your suggestions will add to the improvements of the plugin for everyone. I notice a sense of anger from your tone, there is no need for such.

    I don’t know the owner of the plugin, but I think he’s done well – time and effort, to make it available FREE.

    Now back to your suggestions, yes, I have access to the backend of my site.
    I did not use the plugin as a post, though I tried to by storing posts as drafts first, but I have since deleted them.

    What do I have to do in mysql database and the 404s?

    Speak soon.


    Thread Starter BigDogSF


    I started out frustrated, but the flip manner in which the developer responded to my support ticket was not acceptable, and the fact that the developer couldn’t be bothered regarding the issues set forth in the ticket definitely created some anger.

    I have no problem in paying for a plugin and have spent thousands of dollars on developer memberships for themes and plugins. What I do have a problem with are the things I outlined in my original post above.

    Whether the developer is offering the plugin for free or $$ is irrelevent when the plugin results in damage to a users website that eat up time, damage seo, etc…just because it is free does not absolve the developer from responsibility for the poor coding.

    And I really think that what I outlined are valid issues…and it was up to the developer to respond in an appropriate manner instead of getting his panties in a bunch. If you notice…I did mention that I felt that plugin had a lot of good features…but, I want to retract that now, after experiencing so much destruction from this plugin on the SEO front.

    I would strongly advise against anyone using this plugin. If you have access to the backend of your site via cpanel then go to your “phpmyadmin” area and select the database relevent to the site where u had the plugin installed (eg _wdps3), and remove the records from the wp_posts, wp_meta and wp_options area.

    But…before doing so, make sure you download a database backup, a full site backup and export all your tables. You are going to have to figure out what images and posts are related to the plugin on your own as only you will know the answers to post and image information.

    In regards to the meta and options…u can sort by meta by meta key ascending and then find the settings related to the plugin and delete
    and same with options, but sort by option_name ascending.

    This is a bit tricky, but u need to get a grip on what the wprssmultiimporter displays as in the options and meta. In reality, these areas are of secondary importance…so if u don’t feel comfortable..just ignore these areas for now and concentrate on the posts removal…btw..the images are also in the posts area and if you click on the “post_title” header it will sort the posts and images by title ascending or descending. Just check all records related to the imported posts and then delete.

    Finally, u can do operation check, repair and optimize for any table and this will help u out. I recommend removing all auto draft and draft records (be careful with drafts-if u save posts in draft format for future publishing u do not want to wipe out the drafts).

    Main thing is to take it slow…if u have backups as I stated and have saved them to your desktop hardrive u can always go back and it’s a good learning experience

    In regards to 404’s…I use SEO Ultimate by SEO Design Solutions and have the 404 monitor activated per the plugin standard settings.

    I use the Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin by Don Fischer for 301 redirects…it has a quick redirect section and just follow the directions.

    Both are free and there are no premium versions…the developers, like the developer of the wprss plugin use them as gateways to paid services that they offer. I’ve tried a lot of other seo and 301 redirect plugins and these are best as they do not create heavy site load issues and have great easy to use interfaces.

    I also would recommend that u get a service liek cloudflare (your host may offer it…and in its basic form it is free…if you have any portion of your site that uses ssl then u need the $20 per month version). I combine cloudflare with wpsupercache for performance and security.


    Plugin Author Allen


    Do you ever wonder why over 200 people have rated this plugin with 5 stars and had no problems getting it to work?

    Plugin Author Allen


    Since there is a great deal of confusion in the above post, let me clarify some things here. The author seems to feel that my plugin will destroy your let’s consider the following:

    1. when you activate the plugin, virtually nothing is done except to add some entries in the options table (these are all deleted when you properly delete the plugin).

    2. When you add feeds, these are placed in the options table and again deleted when you delete the plugin.

    3. If you just use the shortcode, no images are stored on your server.

    4. If you use the Feed to Post (and do not choose the image as the Featured Image), no images are stored on your server.

    5. With the Feed to Post, the meta post table is used to store the URL of the feed items in order to make sure there are no duplicate entries. When you delete the plugin properly, all the post meta entries are properly deleted (just look at the uninstall.php file to see how this is done).

    6. The only time you will have images stored on your server from my plugin is when you choose the Featured image option.

    The reason for #6 is that I had no way to know if someone decided to delete my plugin that they wanted also to delete all the posts that were created by the plugin (remember, this is an autoblog and most people use it to simply turn rss feeds into blog posts).

    Now, I could provide an option to users that when they delete the plugin to also delete all the posts created by the plugin, and with that all the featured will be deleted as well. Frankly, I would have considered this if this was the original request.

    In any event, in the most recent version of the plugin you can have the posts you create automatically deleted after a chosen number of days (and with that the associated post_meta data, etc, will be deleted as well).

    A final word – this person started the entire thread here with “poor suckers”, I imagine believing this is a gracious way to get the author of the plugin (who spent many hours without pay and who has other things to do), to drop everything to respond. As you can see on all the other threads on this site, I have responded to the needs of other people without any problems…maybe this is simply due to the way these other users have decided to interact with the plugin author.

    Even though I have used the ‘shortcode’ and not ‘Post to blog’, on my page, why am I getting this error: Error establishing a database connection.
    This error message is currently on my site.

    Do you suggest I delete the plugin completely and forget about it? The last time I had the error, I contacted the host, they resolved it.
    Why do I get it if I’m not posting to blog?

    Thank you in advance

    Plugin Author Allen


    Again, please do not use this thread for such questions as they promote this person’s comments (which, as I’ve said are not appropriate). If you have a database connection problem, it has nothing – nothing – to do with my plugin…that is between your wordpress site and your host server.

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