• Comments Evolved tracks your usage data. It’s embedded at /includes/lib/frontend.php Now, the proper thing to do would have been to add an admin meta box and value for both of these instead of silently tracking what comment activity each wordpress download has been doing.

    <br />
    function comments_evolved_get_disqus_count($url = "") {<br />
      if(empty($url)){ $url = get_permalink(); }<br />
      $options = get_option("comments-evolved");<br />
      if(!empty($options["disqus_shortname"])){<br />
        $link = 'https://disqus.com/api/3.0/threads/details.json?api_key=qaoZg7DHagkn8xUf9ZqYRacHZI3CuBmGpu5InMmtXgtRzCnq6iGwtn7Fbwq1uysH&forum=' . $options["disqus_shortname"] . '&thread:link=' . urlencode($url);<br />
        $link_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body(wp_remote_get($link));<br />
        $json = json_decode($link_body);<br />
        if(!empty($json)){<br />
          return $json->response->posts;<br />
        }<br />
      }<br />
      return 0;<br />
    <p>function track_comment_posted_event() {<br />
      $string = phpversion();<br />
      if (substr( $string, 0, 1 ) === '5') {<br />
        // get the Mixpanel class instance, replace with your project token<br />
        $mp = Mixpanel::getInstance("d6943462b143b3727b42a1f59c2e27e7");<br />
        // track an event<br />
        $result = $mp->track('Comment Posted', array("plugin_name" => "gplus_comments", "site_domain" => home_url(), "php_version" => phpversion()));<br />
      }<br />
      return $result;<br />
    }<br />
    add_action('wp_insert_comment', 'track_comment_posted_event');<br />


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  • iamandrebulatov


    You think there is some way to tell if

    remove_action('wp_insert_comment', 'track_comment_posted_event')

    will remove the action?

    Thread Starter Denver Prophit Jr.


    iamandrebulatov, I would just insert your own disqus api key and comment out or remove the Mixpanel service so that this plugin cannot track you.

    As in, remove the 2nd function, entirely.

    Doug M


    Can you go through a little more detailed explanation of how to do this? Or is there maybe some information I can read up on to get this done?

    Thread Starter Denver Prophit Jr.


    Seems my code insert here added
    code and <p> code. YOu can google disqus API sign up and remove the 2nd function from /includes/lib/frontend.php Also remove the add_action line at the very end. If you still want professional services, go to https://services.strikehawk.com/register.php and submit a support request. Should take less than $10 to fix this for you.

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