Thanks for the donation. I didn’t see any comments on the email I was sent so I didn’t know what it was for and I only check these pages out now and then.
Thanks for thinking the sitemap plugin is good. I still use it on my own WP sites even though some of the SEO stuff won’t work anymore (due to SERPs blocking crawling to find out info and so on) purely due to the fact it does it all with SQL and doesn’t call the same WP function everytime for every page/post etc to get permalink structures and so which are all the DB (or can be calculated from the DB data) anyway.
As for video sitemaps I am guessing it would be totally different as each video in WP would be stored in post_meta objects and building it would require the opposite approch from the one I have taken (speed and less function calls etc) as you would need to check for video data and meta data PER record. Depending on relationship structure of DB it might be possible but I don’t have a video sitemap myself so I haven’t really looked into it. I usually only build plugins when there isn’t one out there that does exactly what I want or in this case with 40,000 posts I kept getting out of memory errors and timeouts.
Also from what I have seen the format of a video sitemap it is different from a normal sitemap with new node/element names and attributes.
I think you can create a special RSS feed for videos called mRSS > https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/183265?hl=en
and then submit that as a video sitemap.
Maybe there is a WP plugin for creating RSS and mRSS / video feeds. Maybe SimplePie has an update to this or WP SEO for creating special video RSS feeds? Or you could create one by hand depending on the number of videos you have.
If you manage to create a video RSS feed then you could link the feed as a custom page from my sitemap (in the custom page box) so the URL is in the general sitemap and a branch goes off to the video RSS.
Or you could create your video sitemap/mRSS feed and then create a hardcoded custom Robots.txt file (check your current one and add everything into it) then add an extra Sitemap: link to it so you have one pointing to my sitemap index file and one pointing to your own RSS / Video sitemap.
Those are some ideas off the top of my head.