Hello Michael,
Looking at this, I don’t believe that lines 36-38 in the client.php are causing the problem (from what I experienced), but glad that you were able to find a solution that worked. The whole PreActivate function isn’t important if you’re sure nothing else is going to be setting “idx-action”.
I tested this out a bit, first with a modified version of the plugin that has several changes in it, but doesn’t change the client.php file at all. I had no issues using MetaSlider alongside it: https://prntscr.com/ir8vv1
I then uninstalled my modified version and installed a fresh copy from WordPress, and did run into display issues: https://prntscr.com/ir8lfh, but the public page with the slider on it was fine: https://prntscr.com/ir8lz7
To test if it was specifically those lines that you mentioned, I created a small Must-Use plugin, with that relevant code section: https://prntscr.com/ir8mzf, and MetaSlider had no display issues at all that I saw: https://prntscr.com/ir8osr
Commenting those lines in client.php (or even the whole function/ add_action) didn’t make a difference to me. What made a difference for me was a change in the admin.php file (because of a notice of a Google Maps API Key error), and enabling output_buffering in the PHP settings.
Reading over the function, I don’t see how this is affecting anything else, although I’m not a PHP/ WordPress developer specifically.
These lines:
if (!is_array($wp_query->query) || !is_array($q->query) || isset($wp_query->query["suppress_filters"]) || isset($q->query["suppress_filters"])) {
are only saying if the “suppress_filters” key is set, then exit this function. We’re not making any changes there. The rest is just changing our query from “idx-action” to “idx-action-swap”, in case the user has another IDX plugin installed that’s also calling “idx-action”. I have seen some users with 2 other IDX plugins installed at the same time, but not activated.
Maybe however I’m not seeing the same issues that you are. Do you get any error messages? Do you have a screenshot of what you see when both are activated, without any modifications? What’s the behavior that you had an issue with?