Well, I only checked the other reviews of the user and saw that there are 6 almost identically worded reviews left at the same time, and naturally I thought it might have been spam and applied the tag as per the Forum Handbook, something I now see, upon looking a little bit more, that you the mods also thought and archived the posts by this user, which explains why this review only recently appeared.
Like I said, I have no problem with a 1 star review if it is a genuine one, and I asked the user for more info at the same time I added the modlook tag. If reporting possible spam for moderators to take a look at is wrong just because it is left as a review, or was the wrong action to take in this case, then I truly apologize.
However, I do feel your blanket “I’ve removed the modlook tag, please don’t use it for a review that you disagree with.” is a fairly underhanded comment to someone who is concerned about their plugin possibly being subjected to a spam review, when you yourself said, in regards to the very reviews by this user, only 5 weeks ago: “Because frankly, about a month ago you looked like a bot or someone with a compromised account.”
While sad that my plugin got a 1star review, I’m not upset and I don’t disagree about the review as long as shiftaction is a user that really used the plugin and found it lacking or not working, I’m very sorry to hear that this was his experience and would really like to hear about it so that I might be able to fix it and help him and others that might experience the same problem avoid it.
But being served up as a vindictive person, that is trying to silence a negative review for simply following the forum handbook in response to what I genuinly thought was spam, I find dishartening.