Our plugin adds ?image=, ?rating= and ?verified= to related anchor links like pagination or filter result to do the filter review function and you said it’s utm tracking code. That’s ridiculous.
Please ask a moderator or posted a topic to ask this before you give a bad rating for something you don’t know for sure.
You want to try! Couple minutes ago, when you click on the utm link I have just posted it cannot open the web page.
Now I have just rename plugin folder to original folder and guess what? The utm tracking code link is alive!! Woww…You can try it now before I have to disable plugin in the next 15 minutes.
I’m not sure it will work! The original link must be same name with the link that I have register to CocCoc Ads Campaign, so If I create a clean site and install the plugins that you just mention above, I think I couldn’t confirm the issue will gone or not on the clean site.
I have no idea why it added the CocCoc ads link. I check all the filters of our plugin use and find no clue.
Do you install any plugin to use the CocCoc Ads Campaign?