• The Duplicate Post Erazer plugin does not work with Custom Menus. It erases custom menus as it erases duplicate posts.

    After installing and enabling this plugin my Custom Menus were removed as duplicate posts were erased. I had to disable and remove this plugin and rebuild my Custom Menus. I installed the Delete Duplicate Posts Plugin and the Custom Menus have been just fine ever since.

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  • Thansk Xenaco. I am having the same problem
    I really liked this plugin. It is superfast and accurate. Unfortunately it deltes the menus too.
    It has been happening for me for almost 5 months on one site and could not figure it out.
    I put up another site a few days ago.. different theme too.. same problem and then after quite a bit of research I found your post

    I tried removing teh compugin completely and putting the menus back. But If i activate the plugin and make even a single post to the site, the menus disappears and get reset to default

    Hope the plugin developer can do something

    The problem seems to be that there are nav items in the posts table, and the plugin does not discriminate against nav items when it should only delete post_type > post.

    I was having the same problem and tried the following solution. After publishing a new post, it did not seem to disrupt any of my custom menus.

    1. Go to plugins, select the plugin and click ‘Edit.’

    2. Replace the line beginning with “$wpdb->query” up to “INNER JOIN (” with the following text:

    $wpdb->query(“DELETE bad_rows . * FROM “.$prefix.”posts WHERE “.$prefix.”posts.post_type = ‘post’ AND “.$prefix.”posts.post_status = ‘publish’ AS bad_rows INNER JOIN (

    3. Don’t blame me if the problem persists. I’m not the developer. Just trying to help.

    Didn’t work. Back to the drawing board.

    Chris, Try this plugin “WP-eDel post copies”
    Install and activate it. Then when you go into configure, click on “Select all” under categories and “save changes”
    Now you can do a show copies and it will show you all copies in the blog

    It works great!!

    Now here is something interesting. if you click “Ignore categories” and “save changes”, then do a show copies, it will show items of the navigator menu
    Maybe its the problem what “Duplicate Post Erazer” is running into

    I decided to make my own plugin using a different MySQL query. Just committed it, and works great as far as I can tell. Have installed on 2 of my WP blogs. The key was to filter the query so that only published posts with duplicate titles would be deleted.

    Would appreciate any testers.


    Testing now.. may take me a day or 2 to post results

    Works great!!!! Thanks

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