• As a relatively new wordpress site publisher, I had originally grabbed a different plugin for media organization. I’m not here to name names or point and shame, but I was extremely disappointed to find out this plugin required the paid/premium version to merely sort your folders ALPHABETICALLY. Absolutely no “organization tool” in the known universe should ever exclude the ability to sort ALPHABETICALLY as a free, basic, base package, NOT PAID feature.

    Enter THIS plugin. Hands down, the best option for media organization. I am using the free version as I type this review, but I intend to upgrade to the paid version very soon. First of all, this free version has almost everything I could want in a plugin like this. I almost have no need to upgrade, other than just to support these fantastic developers as now, I feel like I’m mooching. The free version allows you to sort alphabetically. And it offers unlimited folders for media organization. The key premium feature I’m looking to use will be NESTED folders – as I could definitely use that feature, but I’m not hurting without it, either. I believe I read that the premium version also allows you to create folders for your posts as well as your media, which I don’t feel I’ll use much if any. However, some folks may have a use case that needs that!

    I think my only problem so far with this plugin is that I have a heck of a time trying to select my post’s Featured Image on mobile. I often update or make posts via my Android cell phone or tablet, and I am unable to use the official WordPress app due to a missing file (a file which I do not completely understand but which I asked about on Reddit and was advised it is actually best to NOT have the file and NOT use the official app anyway…). So, I use Brave on Android, and I have no problems controlling the site…. other than selecting Featured Images. The problem is that the part which actually displays the images from which to select is a sliver on the side of the screen, while the list of existing folders takes up the majority of space, and I cannot seem to find a way to minimize the list of folders. My workaround has been to setup the post, save it as a draft, switch to the desktop version of the site, select the featured image and save the draft again, then switch back to mobile to publish it and continue updating it from there.

    Thanks to the devs for a wonderful plugin. The fact that this is free is amazing but it’s such a great plugin, I feel obligated to add my support.

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