I am sorry to know that you had a bad experience with our solution. We very much welcome constructive and helpful reviews.
I understand you had high expectations and we could not meet your standards. I am a bit confused to see you comparing ERP with Google Products. We do not have any feature that relates to Google Docs or Google Drive.
It seems that your understanding of our product has been a major reason for your bad experience. Your review is the only 1 star and the other 25 five star reviews say this is excellent. Can you please spend another afternoon to read our documentations?
We would love to have some details about your expectations. We would definitely mention those issues in our weekly team meeting and work on those if possible.
from this topics. The author’s reply was a good one and there’s nothing here that needs the intervention of a moderator.
I apologize for not mentioning why did I tag a moderator.
This user just used our system for an evening and I am quite certain that he did not read any of our documentation.
We do not have any feature nearly Google Docs or any other Google product.
I believe this review is not relevant and is an attempt to blemish our all 5 star rating.
Please have a look at the title of this review. If this is not an ERP system 2000+ people will not be using it. You can have a look at the update counts as well.
From the starting, we have received 5 star reviews only. We worked our heart and soul to achieve this much user satisfaction.
We are devastated to see a review like this. I would request the review team to read the review carefully and check the legitimacy of it.
Thank you for your time ??
]]>As someone who has worked with and helped to build several ERP systems, I can attest to the fact that WP-ERP is a bonafide, well conceived and well executed ERP system. Anyone who understands what an ERP is would know that.
The review is nonsensical and irrelevant. Allowing it to stay and pull down the WP-ERP rating is an injustice to the team at wedevs who do indeed put their heart and soul into this free product. As someone who has used this product and experienced the care and commitment of the wedevs team I must speak out against this. It is unjust. At best this is an ill-informed and unsubstantiated comment. Please reconsider the very legitimate request to remove it from the ratings. Thank you.
. Do not do that again, that’s an abuse when you over use it.
We are devastated to see a review like this. I would request the review team to read the review carefully and check the legitimacy of it.
I did and it’s a legitimate review.
This review is feedback. That’s all the reviews here are and the number of stars on a review is just another indication. Other people’s feedback really do not matter at all as this review: it belongs to the person who left the review.
You have replied and that part is good. Please do not tag reviews with modlook
when you do not like the review.
If someone is abusive or spamming then please do use that tag. This is not that.
]]>Hi there,
I am currently using their solutions, and I have to say that this is not a feedback.
Just install the plugin and you will be able to see that there is something wrong with this review.
It is like saying that WordPress by itself is not a good place to put your documents and you should put them on Google. It just makes no sense at all.
]]>I’m closing this review. To recap:
incorrectly.The opine part is fine. The ping people? Not so much. You can leave your own review if you like.