• This is exactly what I was looking for, I wish I could upload more menus. I need to be able to upload:
    Luncheon Menu
    Dinner Menu
    Gelato Menu
    Dessert Menu
    Wine List
    Is there some way you can expand this menu pdf uploader???

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  • Plugin Author Support


    Hi Eva,

    thanks for your Feedback! At the moment the uploader is limited to this two types of menus. But you are right it makes total sense to extend it make a lot of menus possible.
    This will be the next feature which will be released.
    Unfortunately I can not give you a timeline on this.


    Thread Starter Eva Garbo


    What I like about it, is that it is so simple. The new user role for the person who uploads the menus, and that it overwrites the previously uploaded file. It’s simply great!!!

    I will look for another solution for now, and check back in the future. Thank you!

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