• WordPress up to date? 3.5 not 3.5.1
    NextGEN up to date? YES
    MYSQL Version : 5.5.23-55
    PHP Version : 5.2.17
    PHP Safe Mode OFF? YES

    This is really weird, and only started happening recently.

    Any image loaded via FTP does not display when clicked on. In the Manage Gallery, I am able to “Scan Folder for new images” without any problems. NGG finds the new images, creates the thumbnails, and allows me to sort, but I cannot VIEW. The DB shows all the correct information and the GALLERY FOLDER shows all changes.

    On the page, the thumbnails display correctly, and update when I create NEW THUMBNAIL. When I click on the thumbnail, I get an error. [404, if no other plugins are activated, or “This image failed to load” if I have NGG colorBoxer activated.

    Entering the URL of the image causes a 404 error, but entering the URL of the thumbnail shows the thumbnail image.

    The funny this is, if I add the image(s) using NGG’s “ADD IMAGES” interface, everything works fine.

    ***Problem occurs with or without other plugins activated.


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