• I don’t know where else to bring this up, so here it goes:

    I’ve registered in order to be able to post on these forums, but the BBPress system running here doesn’t think I exist. I can log in but I can’t access my profile without getting “user not found” error. which sux because it keeps me from being able to find my posts quickly or find the threads I’m tracking.

    Anyone else having this problem? ..or know what is going on?

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  • This devolved into personal attacks. I deleted a bunch of it and am closing.

    Sorry folks, but take the attacks elsewhere.

    The “feature” indeed was designed to curb spam. There was a bug, however, that we only now figured out and fixed.

    Apologies for the long delay. Everyone here should have gotten a much quicker turn around.

    To those who still cannot see their profiles, please log out and then back in. All should be better then.

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  • The topic ‘This Forum broken????’ is closed to new replies.