• Heya
    There’s something rather weird with this forum. On Window MSIE, linux-Opera or linux-Konqueror, nothing special.
    But when I use Firefox (on linux), my CPU is nearly 100% busy with it, and the mouse cursor keeps “flashing” as if it was computing amazing amount of data. On any other site, FF doesnt hog my CPU, it’s just this forum.

    Yesterday Matt asked on IRC if anyone was noticing something strange with FF & Windows. Not sure it went ok or not, since my Windows box is much more powerfull than my Linux box and I may have not notice it slowing down. But this morning I just can’t use linux Firefox with the forum.
    Anyone noticing same kind of weirdness ?

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  • It’s okay again now, but I had the same trouble before on WinXP/FF0.8. Not just with the forum, but with the whole site. I was wondering if anything has been changed about the html/css of the site, or whether this is some weird intermittent problem. Anyone with an idea?

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