• Hello, after following all the installation steps and granting permissions I get this message:
    “This app was not verified
    Google has not yet verified this app. Continue only if you know the programmer and it is trusted.
    If you are the programmer, send a verification request to remove this screen. More information
    Advanced configuration”

    I did the Connectivity Test and I give this:
    Outgoing mail server host name

    Transport Plug Status * Service available Server ID Authentication
    None Log in Plain CRAM-MD5 OAuth 2.0
    SMTP https://www.googleapis.com:25 Closed No – – – – – –
    SMTP https://www.googleapis.com:465 Closed No – – – – – –
    SMTP https://www.googleapis.com:587 Closed No – – – – – –
    Mandrill API mandrillapp.com:443 Open ?? HTTPS mandrillapp.com n / A
    API SendGrid api.sendgrid.com:443 Open ?? HTTPS sendgrid.com n / A
    Mailgun API api.mailgun.net:443 Open ?? HTTPS mailgun.net n / A
    * According to portquiz.net

    ? ?? Port 443 can be used with the SendGrid API.
    ? ?? Port 443 can be used with the Mailgun API.
    ? ?? Port 443 can be used with the Mandrill API.
    ? There is no exit route between this site and the Internet in Puerto 587.
    ? There is no exit route between this site and the Internet in Puerto 25.
    ? There is no exit route between this site and the Internet at Port 465.
    A test with the “No” service available indicates one or more of these problems:

    Your web server has placed a firewall between this site and the Internet
    The SMTP host name is incorrect or the mail server does not provide service on this port
    Your PHP configuration prevents outgoing connections
    Your WordPress configuration is avoiding outgoing connections
    If the above problems can not be resolved, your last option is to configure Postman to use an email account managed by your web server with an SMTP server managed by your web server.

    Talk to my hosting provider Godaddy and they tell me that “the mails are not sent because the configuration of the servers for WordPress is port 25 and that therefore I must look for a plugin that connects to port 25 or that uses a plugin that does not connect to the server. ”
    I’ve been looking for a solution for 2 weeks, I’m stuck at this point, I have a classified portal and it’s urgent that users get their notifications.

    I need help, urgently!
    I would greatly appreciate anyone who can help me.

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  • Unfortunately, GoDaddy is waffling you.

    It might be quicker to recreate your Google Cloud/Google API app connection.
    You’ll need to visit https://www.google.com/accounts/Logout?continue=https://console.developers.google.com/start/api?id=gmail and follow those instructions again.

    This is the step that verifies the external App (Post SMTP in this case) is authorised to connect to the Gmail API.
    Add a new App, get the new Google ID and Google Secret and make sure you paste them exactly as shown into the correct boxes in your Post SMTP settings.
    This is the step that authorises your Post SMTP to be able to connect to the Google Mail API.
    When copying and pasting the ID & Secret, paste into Notepad (or similar) first and make sure there are no extra spaces or any other control characters at the end. Sometimes, if you have different language or a different encoding to normal set on your PC/Mac/Device, when you copy something onto the clipboard, it adds extra characters. Check what you paste into Notepad matches that at Google, then copy from Notepad to the Post SMTP settings page).

    It can really only be a firewall blocking communication between your GoDaddy server and Google, or the ID/Secret is incorrect (or the Google API App set-up wasn’t completed).
    The fact that your Post SMTP tried to connect but got an “App Not verified” error suggests that there is no firewall between you and Google. Therefore, it must be the App ID or Secret that has the issues.
    I have seen ‘weirdness’ with Google API’s before and it’s often quicker to just create a new App/connection rather than trying to edit/fix the one that’s not working.
    Once you do get it working, from within your Google control panel, delete the broken one.

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