• James


    On JJ’s demo page I saw an example of the carousel with a thickbox integrated but there isn’t much for documentation on how to do it.

    Is there anyone out there that has set this up or can point me in the right direction?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Hi

    Install the plugin called “thickbox

    and hack the JJ carousel plugin file

    Around line 385 Ive set the alttext and title of the link and image to the alttext and description in next gen

    //JJA readded next two lines to ignore the clever alt checking above
            $image_alt = trim($image->alttext);
    		$image_alt = "alt=\"" . esc_attr($image_alt) . "\" ";
            $image_description = trim($image->description);
            if($image_description != '')
              $image_description = "title=\"" . esc_attr($image_description) . "\" ";
              $image_description = '';

    Then in line 425 – ish

    ive commented out the old output variable and amended to add the thickbox class and alttext and title etc

    //$output .= "<img src=\"" . $image->imageURL . "\" " . $image_description . $width_d . $height_d . " border=\"0\" />";
    		//JJA mod below to display  thumb and add thickbox
    		$output .= "<a class=\"thickbox\" ". $image_description. "rel=\"featured\" href=\"" . $image->imageURL . "\"><img src=\"" . $image->thumbURL . "\" " . $image_description . $image_alt. $width_d . $height_d . " border=\"0\" /></a>";

    Oh and im using the nextgen thumb in my carousel <img src=\"" . $image->thumbURL

    and linking that to the larger version

    We were trying to do the same thing – if you need just one gallery change this in includes/jj_ngg_jquery_carousel.php, line 191

              $output .= "<a class=\"thickbox\" rel=\"lolgallery\" href=\"" . esc_attr($image_alt) . "\">";

    Rename lolgallery to whatever you like.

    Oh yeah, and if you want the thumbnail images instead of resized full images in the carousel change line 213 to this:
    $output .= "<img src=\"" . $image->thumbURL . "\" " . $image_description . $width_d . $height_d . " border=\"0\" />";

    Thread Starter James


    Hey thanks for the feedback.

    I was able to get the thick-box to come up just by changing the class in the output.

    None of page lines match up with the ones you suggested.

    Anyhoo… now I am trying to get the description to show up when you hover on the image.

    Any advice?

    Thread Starter James


    Additionally, it doesn’t seem to be outputting the link when the alt is a link. Here is the chunk of code I am working on (which starts at line 171)….

    $image = new nggImage($result);
            $image_alt = trim($image->alttext);
    			$image_alt = "\"" . esc_attr($image_alt) . "\" ";
            $image_description = trim($image->description);
    			if($image_description != '')
              $image_description = "" . esc_attr($image_description) . "";
              $image_description = '';
            $output .= "\n    <li>";
            // check that alt is url with a simple validation
            $use_url = false;
            if($image_alt != '' && (substr($image_alt, 0, 1) == '/' || substr($image_alt, 0, 4) == 'http' || substr($image_alt, 0, 3) == 'ftp'))
              $use_url = true;
            // if alt isn't a url make it the alt text to backwards support nextgen galleries
              $output .= "<a href=\"" . esc_attr($image_alt) . "\">";
            if($image_description != '')
              $image_description = "title=\"" . esc_attr($image_description) . "\" ";
              $image_description = '';
            $width_d = '';
            $height_d = '';
            if($width != '' && $height != '')
              $width_d = " width=\"" . $width . "\"";
              $height_d = " height=\"" . $height . "\"";
    		 $output .= "<a class=\"thickbox\" rel=\"%GALLERY_NAME%\" href=\"" . $image->imageURL . "\"><img src=\"" . $image->imageURL . "\" " . $image_description . $width_d . $height_d . " border=\"0\" /></a>";
              $output .= "</a>";
            $output .="</li>";

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