As the co-founder of CartFlows, please update this review as we have done the exact opposite.
We completely modernized and improved the old “global checkout” and changed the name of it to make more sense. It’s now named Store Checkout.
On top of that, it’s still completely free. We also took many of our previously pro only features and made them free in Store Checkout.
– Field editor, this used to be in our Pro version, we moved it to the free version
– One column layouts, this used to be in our Pro version, we moved it to the free version
– Coupon visibility, this used to be in our Pro version, we moved it to the free version
– Google address autocomplete
– Real-time email validation
Normally I don’t jump into the reviews, but this is just wrong. We literally spend hundreds of developer hours to do this completely for free for our users and you have given us a 1-star review.