• Looking to make a network MS install. However, unlike my other network Mu Installs; I want a custom header on everything and the ability to control what appears in the top.

    So as I read up on hooks, it seems like a great idea.

    Thesis is very easy to customize, however, people say thesis doesnt work with wordpress multisite? From what I understand, thesis modifys its core files, vs

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  • Thread Starter Norbert McDorbert


    dangit – i misfired..

    …ctd..thesis in a multisite install seems to not be ideal. It doesnt create child sections the way Genesis does..

    All I really want to do is find a way to easily create some templates, custom pages, menus on a site. Then use site replicator from my favorite R&A duo..

    When users sign up, I just replicate the test site. The sub menu or site header would need to allow for custom graphics (ideally through the admin). They can disable widgets or move things if they choose, however, the pages, etc, are all setup.

    At first, I was planning on just drawing up what I neen in my favorite program, then sending it off to a developer to make into a theme.

    Thesis videos convinced me I could just create soemthing in the framework; however, with my poking, I do not see a way to do custom logos, etc, for individual sites.

    Fwd on the Genesis, its seemingly all script mods for most part? Which is kind of like the original idea. I could take existing themes and mod myself. However I dont want to get stuck in my most used least favorite editor doing changes to someone elses CSS. That always takes forever ??


    Moderator James Huff


    The folks at the Thesis support forum should be able to help you with that. Support is included with the purchase of the theme, and they probably know it better than most of us.


    Thesis works great with WordPress Multisite. You need to do some modification to the core Thesis files ( at least with the current version 1.8 ), but it’s fairly painless. I made a video showing how to enable WordPress multisite for domain mapping and modify Thesis for multisite, and gave some basic instructions as well with links to the original articles you need to use for each step.

    I also wrote an article about using a master Thesis custom functions file for WordPress multisite.

    I hope this is helpful to someone.

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