• sstone1256


    I really wanted to run a competition on my site hoping to get more visitors. I tried Gleam and Contests by Rewards Refuel and was disappointed by the fact that they limited what you could do to such an extent that I couldn’t test their products properly to see if it works. I wanted to have a viral option for social media. I was ready to give up when I found Gratisfaction. I am very glad I did.

    Firstly, they offer so much more than I was hoping to find. The tools I needed were but a small part of what they offer and I’m speaking about their free tools! They give you a fair chance to test their product and I respect that very much. If my website makes money so that I can afford it, I will definitely be using Gratisfaction for many years to come. I also like the idea that you can buy a month to month subscription. So if I feel I’ve found something that works I can run with it without having to feel I’ve wasted months of money if it fails.

    Secondly, It’s really attractive on my website. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing when I started to build it and I am still pretty clueless. I worked hard to get it to look as good as it does now and Gratisfaction doesn’t detract from my website at all. In fact it adds to the look I have and that’s really very cool.

    Thirdly, I mentioned I am pretty clueless and even although I find Gratification complex in certain places (due to everything that’s available and all the choices one has, which is a good thing) they have a very willing and pleasant support structure in place. While you are working on your campaign there is a support expert right there on the page with you and at anytime you can ask him to help when you don’t understand or don’t know how to do something. So how cool is that!!! The only way it could be cooler is if I could have voice messaged the guy because I HATE TYPING. So realize how impressed I am with these guys.

    Appsmav, I hope your company grows from strength to strength. You have a excellent product and I hope you get all the success you deserve.

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