• I’ve looked through the support forum and I use Jetpack and a number of plugins that could be a conflict. I’m getting the message from the title above when I try to edit a post in the calendar. I deactivated Jetpack and the problem did not go away. I’m in a bind because I’m not a developer and I’m afraid to mess with the plugins too much for fear they don’t work or the site goes down if there is a problem as they deactivate and reactivate. This sounds crazy but it has been a problem in the past under an old developer’s setup.

    A risked activating and deactivating Jetpack because I know it’s not as intensive as one of our other custom plugins and it also seemed like at obvious place to start given your other commenters.

    I’m not sure if this is the JS log you’ve been asking for from other people, but this is what I pulled. That was after I deactivated Jetpack. I can’t get rid of any of my current plugins but would love to keep using the calendar. Any help is appreciated.

    edcal.showError() edit.php:1108
    edcal.savePost/<.error() edit.php:1073
    n.Callbacks/i() load-scripts.php:2
    n.Callbacks/j.fireWith() load-scripts.php:2
    y() load-scripts.php:4
    .send/c() load-scripts.php:4


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