ok let me check to see if I have all the steps right
Step 1 log in to my instagram
Step 2 register a new oAuth client
When doing this use this info
Use this URL as Callback/Redirect URL, when registering Instagram application: https://www.daregeek.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=instagrabber_redirect_uri
Step 3 copy and past client ID and Client Secret into the settings filed.
Step 4 authenticate
heres where it gets stuck. It might have something to do with the path that instagrabber told me to find the wp-ajax.php file? I have 7 domains under 1 host so all in different folder names. This domain is in the wordpress file
https://www.daregeek.com/wp-admin/admin- but here it doesnt state it. this could be because I have gone in to wordpress and changed my wordpress address to the https://www.daregeek.com.
After I get the client ID do I need to fill out this info in the Fields I was given? https://www.daregeek.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=instagrabber_redirect_uri like at a = plus the ID
And if you were going to ask it does show on my instagram that everything is Authorized .
please any help would be appreciated.
Thank You!!