There is No USPS shipping options are showing on the cart or checkout page
I have the plugin enabled and I have Priority Mail? and USPS Ground Advantage both checked but they do not show up as options. Can you help me how to show USPS shipping options on my cart and checkout page?
Found 0 USPS rates`array ( 'error' => 'API reports an error. Data: { "response": "<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"UTF-8\\"?>\\n<Error><Number>80040B1A</Number><Description>Authorization failure. Perhaps username and/or password is incorrect.</Description><Source>USPSCOM::DoAuth</Source></Error>\\n" }.', 'rates' => NULL, 'settings' => array ( 'props' => array ( 'sender' => '35242', 'commercialRates' => true, 'groupByWeight' => false, 'apiEndpoint' => '', 'apiUserId' => '904SKYWO3126', 'supports' => array ( 0 => 'settings', ), 'id' => 'usps_simple', 'method_title' => 'USPS Simple', 'method_description' => 'Shows live USPS domestic rates on checkout', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'title' => 'USPS Simple', 'rates' => array ( ), 'tax_status' => 'taxable', 'fee' => NULL, 'minimum_fee' => NULL, 'instance_id' => 0, 'instance_form_fields' => array ( ), 'instance_settings' => array ( ), 'availability' => NULL, 'countries' => array ( ), 'method_order' => NULL, 'has_settings' => NULL, 'settings_html' => NULL, 'plugin_id' => 'woocommerce_', 'errors' => array ( ), 'data' => array ( ), ), 'settings' => array ( 'enabled' => 'yes', 'sender' => '35242', 'user_id' => '904SKYWO3126', 'commercial_rate' => 'yes', 'group_by_weight' => 'no', 'express_mail' => '', 't_express_mail' => 'Priority Mail Express?', 'express_mail_3' => 'no', 'express_mail_2' => 'no', 'express_mail_23' => 'no', 'priority_mail' => '', 't_priority_mail' => 'Priority Mail?', 'priority_mail_1' => 'yes', 'priority_mail_33' => 'no', 'priority_mail_18' => 'no', 'priority_mail_47' => 'no', 'priority_mail_48' => 'no', 'priority_mail_49' => 'no', 'priority_mail_50' => 'no', 'first_class' => '', 't_first_class' => 'First-Class Mail?', 'first_class_0A' => 'no', 'first_class_0B' => 'no', 'first_class_0C' => 'no', 'first_class_0D' => 'yes', 'first_class_12' => 'no', 'first_class_15' => 'no', 'first_class_19' => 'yes', 'first_class_61' => 'yes', 'first_class_53' => 'yes', 'first_class_78' => 'no', 'standard_post' => '', 't_standard_post' => 'USPS Retail Ground?', 'standard_post_4' => 'no', 'media_mail' => '', 't_media_mail' => '', 'media_mail_6' => 'no', 'library_mail' => '', 't_library_mail' => '', 'library_mail_7' => 'no', 't_ground_advantage' => '', 'ground_advantage_default' => 'yes', ), ), 'package' => array ( 'contents' => array ( '25e95f3f099c48ac55080b306cfd0590' => array ( 'key' => '25e95f3f099c48ac55080b306cfd0590', 'product_id' => 14548, 'variation_id' => 0, 'variation' => array ( ), 'quantity' => 1, 'data_hash' => 'b5c1d5ca8bae6d4896cf1807cdf763f0', 'line_tax_data' => array ( 'subtotal' => array ( ), 'total' => array ( ), ), 'line_subtotal' => 13.99, 'line_subtotal_tax' => 0.0, 'line_total' => 13.99, 'line_tax' => 0.0, 'product' => array ( 'name' => '4th Generation 1957 Erik Michael 1.4oz Tin PIPE TOBACCO', 'slug' => '4th-generation-1957-erik-michael-1-4oz-tin-pipe-tobacco', 'price' => '13.99', 'regular_price' => '13.99', 'sale_price' => '', 'weight' => ' lbs', 'weight_lbs' => 0.0, 'dimensions' => ' x x in', 'dimensions_in' => ' x x ', ), ), '52d080a3e172c33fd6886a37e7288491' => array ( 'key' => '52d080a3e172c33fd6886a37e7288491', 'product_id' => 1709, 'variation_id' => 0, 'variation' => array ( ), 'quantity' => 4, 'data_hash' => 'b5c1d5ca8bae6d4896cf1807cdf763f0', 'line_tax_data' => array ( 'subtotal' => array ( ), 'total' => array ( ), ), 'line_subtotal' => 301.2, 'line_subtotal_tax' => 0.0, 'line_total' => 301.2, 'line_tax' => 0.0, 'product' => array ( 'name' => 'DAVIDOFF 3PK ANIVERSARIO SPECIAL R TUBOS Pack', 'slug' => 'davidoff-3pk-aniversario-special-r-tubos', 'price' => '75.30', 'regular_price' => '75.30', 'sale_price' => '', 'weight' => ' lbs', 'weight_lbs' => 0.0, 'dimensions' => ' x x in', 'dimensions_in' => ' x x ', ), ), '5938b4d054136e5d59ada6ec9c295d7a' => array ( 'key' => '5938b4d054136e5d59ada6ec9c295d7a', 'product_id' => 2216, 'variation_id' => 0, 'variation' => array ( ), 'quantity' => 1, 'data_hash' => 'b5c1d5ca8bae6d4896cf1807cdf763f0', 'line_tax_data' => array ( 'subtotal' => array ( ), 'total' => array ( ), ), 'line_subtotal' => 8.99, 'line_subtotal_tax' => 0.0, 'line_total' => 8.99, 'line_tax' => 0.0, 'product' => array ( 'name' => 'Arturo Fuente CHATEAU FUENTE NATURAL SINGLE', 'slug' => 'af-chateau-fuente-natural-single', 'price' => '8.99', 'regular_price' => '8.99', 'sale_price' => '', 'weight' => ' lbs', 'weight_lbs' => 0.0, 'dimensions' => ' x x in', 'dimensions_in' => ' x x ', ), ), ), 'contents_cost' => 324.18, 'applied_coupons' => array ( ), 'user' => array ( 'ID' => 176, ), 'destination' => array ( 'country' => 'US', 'state' => 'AL', 'postcode' => '35242', 'city' => 'Birmingham', 'address' => '', 'address_1' => '', 'address_2' => '', ), 'cart_subtotal' => '324.18', 'rates' => array ( 'free_shipping:5' => WC_Shipping_Rate::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'id' => 'free_shipping:5', 'method_id' => 'free_shipping', 'instance_id' => 5, 'label' => 'Free shipping', 'cost' => '0.00', 'taxes' => array ( ), ), 'meta_data' => array ( 'Items' => '4th Generation 1957 Erik Michael 1.4oz Tin PIPE TOBACCO × 1, DAVIDOFF 3PK ANIVERSARIO SPECIAL R TUBOS Pack × 4, Arturo Fuente CHATEAU FUENTE NATURAL SINGLE × 1', ), )), 'flat_rate:2' => WC_Shipping_Rate::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'id' => 'flat_rate:2', 'method_id' => 'flat_rate', 'instance_id' => 2, 'label' => 'Flat rate', 'cost' => '7.99', 'taxes' => array ( ), ), 'meta_data' => array ( 'Items' => '4th Generation 1957 Erik Michael 1.4oz Tin PIPE TOBACCO × 1, DAVIDOFF 3PK ANIVERSARIO SPECIAL R TUBOS Pack × 4, Arturo Fuente CHATEAU FUENTE NATURAL SINGLE × 1', ), )), 'flexible_shipping_ups:3:01' => WC_Shipping_Rate::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'id' => 'flexible_shipping_ups:3:01', 'method_id' => 'flexible_shipping_ups', 'instance_id' => 3, 'label' => 'UPS Next Day Air', 'cost' => '41.48', 'taxes' => array ( ), ), 'meta_data' => array ( 'collection_point' => 'no', 'service_type' => '01', 'ups_service_code' => '01', ), )), 'flexible_shipping_ups:3:03' => WC_Shipping_Rate::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'id' => 'flexible_shipping_ups:3:03', 'method_id' => 'flexible_shipping_ups', 'instance_id' => 3, 'label' => 'UPS Ground', 'cost' => '11.76', 'taxes' => array ( ), ), 'meta_data' => array ( 'collection_point' => 'no', 'service_type' => '03', 'ups_service_code' => '03', ), )), ), ), 'requests' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Pair::__set_state(array( 'online' => 'API=RateV4&XML= <RateV4Request USERID="904SKYWO3126"> <Revision>2</Revision> <Package ID="25e95f3f099c48ac55080b306cfd0590:1:0:0:0:1"> <Service>ONLINE</Service> <ZipOrigination>35242</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>35242</ZipDestination> <Pounds>1</Pounds> <Ounces>0.00</Ounces> <Container/> <Width>0</Width> <Length>0</Length> <Height>0</Height> <Girth>0</Girth> <Machinable>true</Machinable> <ShipDate>03-Oct-2023</ShipDate> </Package> <Package ID="52d080a3e172c33fd6886a37e7288491:4:0:0:0:1"> <Service>ONLINE</Service> <ZipOrigination>35242</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>35242</ZipDestination> <Pounds>1</Pounds> <Ounces>0.00</Ounces> <Container/> <Width>0</Width> <Length>0</Length> <Height>0</Height> <Girth>0</Girth> <Machinable>true</Machinable> <ShipDate>03-Oct-2023</ShipDate> </Package> <Package ID="5938b4d054136e5d59ada6ec9c295d7a:1:0:0:0:1"> <Service>ONLINE</Service> <ZipOrigination>35242</ZipOrigination> <ZipDestination>35242</ZipDestination> <Pounds>1</Pounds> <Ounces>0.00</Ounces> <Container/> <Width>0</Width> <Length>0</Length> <Height>0</Height> <Girth>0</Girth> <Machinable>true</Machinable> <ShipDate>03-Oct-2023</ShipDate> </Package> </RateV4Request> ', 'standard' => NULL, )), 'request' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Request::__set_state(array( 'apiUserId' => '904SKYWO3126', 'package' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Package::__set_state(array( 'orig' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Area::__set_state(array( 'countryCode' => 'US', 'zipCode' => '35242', )), 'dest' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Area::__set_state(array( 'countryCode' => 'US', 'zipCode' => '35242', )), 'items' => array ( '25e95f3f099c48ac55080b306cfd0590' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Item::__set_state(array( 'product' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Product::__set_state(array( 'weight' => 0, 'dim' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 0, 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, )), )), 'quantity' => 1, )), '52d080a3e172c33fd6886a37e7288491' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Item::__set_state(array( 'product' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Product::__set_state(array( 'weight' => 0, 'dim' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 0, 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, )), )), 'quantity' => 4, )), '5938b4d054136e5d59ada6ec9c295d7a' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Item::__set_state(array( 'product' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Product::__set_state(array( 'weight' => 0, 'dim' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim::__set_state(array( 'length' => 0, 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, )), )), 'quantity' => 1, )), ), )), 'services' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\Services::__set_state(array( 'families' => array ( 1 => Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\ServiceFamily::__set_state(array( 'id' => 'priority_mail', 'title' => 'Priority Mail?', 'sort' => 1, 'services' => array ( 0 => Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\RegularService::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'Priority Mail', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => '1', )), ), )), 3 => Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\ServiceFamily::__set_state(array( 'id' => 'ground_advantage', 'title' => 'USPS Ground Advantage', 'sort' => 3, 'services' => array ( 0 => Dgm\UspsSimple\Model\GroundAdvantage::__set_state(array( 'family' => NULL, 'title' => 'USPS Ground Advantage', 'alwaysUseCommercialRate' => NULL, 'enabled' => true, 'id' => 'default', )), ), )), ), 'retailGroundEnabled' => false, )), 'groupByWeight' => false, 'commercialRates' => true, )), 'responses' => Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Pair::__set_state(array( 'online' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error> <Number>80040B1A</Number> <Description>Authorization failure. Perhaps username and/or password is incorrect.</Description> <Source>USPSCOM::DoAuth</Source> </Error> ', 'standard' => NULL, )), 'combinedResponse' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error> <Number>80040B1A</Number> <Description>Authorization failure. Perhaps username and/or password is incorrect.</Description> <Source>USPSCOM::DoAuth</Source> </Error> ', )`
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