Hi, I enabled the Debug mode.
I have two rules. Rule 2 is matched in the basket, however, when I go to the checkout page on the last page, the rule is changing to rule 1.
On the basket page, I get one debug result, but on the last page, I get two debug results. Somehow the cart weight changes to zero on the checkout page.
This is my website https://electrovo.com . The settings work with a product with a specified weight. The website uses an STL, CAD file to upload there and check the weight so weight is variable. So the weight is based on the CAD model volume. Things work fine till the basket page. the problem comes on the checkout page.
Here is the debug data from the Basket page:
Method settings:
Enabled: yes
Method Title: Economy Shipping
Method Description:
Tax status: None
Costs includes tax: no
Free Shipping:
Free Shipping Label:
'Left to free shipping' notice: no
Rules Calculation: Sum
Cart Calculation: Cart value
Visibility (Show only for logged in users): no
Default: no
Debug mode: yes
Integration: none
Contents value: 201
Contents weight: 0.465275
Rule 1:
Condition: Weight; min: 0; max: 0.1; input data: 0.465; matched: no
Rule 2:
Condition: Weight; min: 0.101; max: 0.5; input data: 0.465; matched: yes
Rule costs:
rule cost is: 5
Calculated rule cost: 5 GBP
Used and displayed in the cart/checkout: yes
Calculated shipping cost: 5 GBP
Free shipping: no
Shipping method ID: flexible_shipping_single:31
Shipping method title: Economy Shipping
Shipping cost added.
Here is the data from the checkout page:
First Debug result:
Method settings:
Enabled: yes
Method Title: Economy Shipping
Method Description:
Tax status: None
Costs includes tax: no
Free Shipping:
Free Shipping Label:
'Left to free shipping' notice: no
Rules Calculation: Sum
Cart Calculation: Cart value
Visibility (Show only for logged in users): no
Default: no
Debug mode: yes
Integration: none
Contents value: 201
Contents weight: 0.465275
Rule 1:
Condition: Weight; min: 0; max: 0.1; input data: 0.465; matched: no
Rule 2:
Condition: Weight; min: 0.101; max: 0.5; input data: 0.465; matched: yes
Rule costs:
rule cost is: 5
Calculated rule cost: 5 GBP
Used and displayed in the cart/checkout: yes
Calculated shipping cost: 5 GBP
Free shipping: no
Shipping method ID: flexible_shipping_single:31
Shipping method title: Economy Shipping
Shipping cost added.
Second Debug resutl:
Method settings:
Enabled: yes
Method Title: Economy Shipping
Method Description:
Tax status: None
Costs includes tax: no
Free Shipping:
Free Shipping Label:
'Left to free shipping' notice: no
Rules Calculation: Sum
Cart Calculation: Cart value
Visibility (Show only for logged in users): no
Default: no
Debug mode: yes
Integration: none
Contents value: 201
Contents weight: 0
Rule 1:
Condition: Weight; min: 0; max: 0.1; input data: 0; matched: yes
Rule costs:
rule cost is: 4.85
Calculated rule cost: 4.85 GBP
Rule 2:
Condition: Weight; min: 0.101; max: 0.5; input data: 0; matched: no
Used and displayed in the cart/checkout: yes
Calculated shipping cost: 4.85 GBP
Free shipping: no
Shipping method ID: flexible_shipping_single:31
Shipping method title: Economy Shipping
Shipping cost added.
Kind regards
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